I just started the boys on cereal a few days ago at dinnertime - around 5pm. I am also giving them a bottle at this point, but I am hoping to drop the 5 pm bottle, and give them their last bottle earlier (about 2 hours after eating) because we have been having to wake them up for their 8pm bottle anyway.
So I guess my question is, do you give your DC's a bottle AND cereal/fruit/veggies, or do you wait to give the bottle? Is it feasible to drop the 5pm bottle?
Re: Solids and Bottle Question
I think eventually you could drop the bottle but at 5 mos, the cereal should be for practice and won't "replace" formula for a few months. We do cereal and a veggie or fruit at our 11 and 3 feedings but it's just a small amount. They usually take 7-8oz each feeding so I just give them 4, then feed them solids, and then finish w/ the remaining formula.
good luck