
PTing and diarrhea question

So, my DS has been about 90% PT'd for a good month now.  But, he's on antibiotics and has diarrhea from it now.  YUCK!  I put a pull up on his b/c it is just too messy and he can't seem to control it.  I know this is not going to be good for PTing.  Anyone else ever go through this?  What did you do about it? 

It's so frustrating b/c he was just getting to the point where he would go potty all by himself.  And, now that he's in pullups, forgetaboutit!  We're back to square one!

Re: PTing and diarrhea question

  • You do what you gotta do. ?There's no way I'd let Evan go without a pullup if he had diarrhea and couldn't control it. ?I wouldn't worry too much. ?When he's back to normal, it shouldn't take too long to get back in the habit of using the potty.
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