
when did you LO get their 1st tooth?

When did you LO have their first tooth break through? My one daughter is 5 months and has been teething for over a month now. Cannot wait for her discomfort to end and for this tooth to just break through!
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Re: when did you LO get their 1st tooth?

  • ummmm...1 week shy of his first birthday.  Ha!  Since then, we've gotten 2 more and are working on 3 more.  So, in about a month he's gonna go from 0 teeth to 6 teeth! 
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  • Pips09Pips09 member
    Almost 11 months old, and no teeth at all! I think the first ones will be here soon, but I've been saying that since March.
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  • I honestly don't remember (blame it on the wine?) but I know I thought she was teething early, about 3m actual, but it was a loooooong time before a tooth actually popped through.  Probably around 7-8m?  

    Teething is the debil.  I can't wait until DD gets her 2nd molars to be DONE with this shizz. 

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  • imagekatie4253:
    ummmm...1 week shy of his first birthday.  Ha!  Since then, we've gotten 2 more and are working on 3 more.  So, in about a month he's gonna go from 0 teeth to 6 teeth! 

    Us, too! He got his two front teeth the week of his birthday - the bottom two a little after that and he broke his second fang two days ago.

    Teething begins wayyy earlier than you (most people?) think - I hadn't been warned. I thought he was going to be like 4 months with a full set of chompers ;) 

  • shes been teething since 3 months adjusted - we still dont have any teeth
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  • TWO months actual 1 month adjusted she had her first tooth break through. Now she has 2 teeth and another one starting to come in.

  • he got his first tooth around 5 months(teething started like at birth lol) and then it was non stop teeth, he now has 6 teeth, 4 up top and 2 on the bottom
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  • my twins are 10 months (7 mths adjusted). They both have 2 bottom teeth that broke through...DD's came in a little before DS so hers are bigger.
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  • 7.5 mo actual, 5 mo adjusted.  My son had 8 teeth when he turned one, and sixteen by the time he was 15 months old. 
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  • If I remember correctly it was right around his first birthday in August. In November he got 4 all at one time! So hard on him. :(
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  • Lititle got his first tooth 3 days before his first birthday (10 months adjusted ).  We didn't think they would ever come in (=
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