Hi all, I've been lurking for a few weeks and trying to get a little educated on all of the cloth diapering stuff. I've also watched some youtube videos to see how a lot of the different kinds actually work. That being said, this is what I've put on my order list so far:
2 Thirsties (x-small)
2 Bummis Super Brite (1 newborn, 1 small)
1 Thirsties Duo Wrap (size 1, with snaps)
1 BG Flip (with snaps)
2 dozen GMD newborn prefolds
2 dozen GMD small prefolds
3 Snappis
2 large pail liners and 2 small wet bags (Mommy's Touch)
5 small hemp doublers
5 Bummis fleece liners
A few questions...
What do you think about flushable liners - is it something I should add to the list?
Do I have too many newborn sizes on the list? Are there certain brands that seem to fit newborns well but last longer than a month or two?
Any brands I should try that aren't listed above (I've seen a few other brands mentioned a lot on the board.. BG 4.0, bububebe, rumparooz, swaddlebees, etc)?
I've read a lot about wool covers, but I'm assuming I can wait to purchase that until baby is sleeping longer at night?
I should note that I'm planning to buy fabric or washcloths or something to make wipes. I'm also registering for a diaper sprayer. Our goal for this stash is to have enough to live through the newborn stage, and decide if we can actually make cloth diapering work for us (I hope it does!!).
Sorry this got so long - I could probably write 50 more questions! The FAQ above has definitely helped, though. TIA for your help and opinions
Re: FTM - this is what I'm thinking of ordering...