Two Under 2

Nursing during pregnancy

 My nursling is nearly 8 months old and I'm pretty worried about drop in supply. I have struggled with supply LO's entire life and although things were looking up, I'm already noticing a drop. LO has doesn't really take a bottle from me anymore so I just nurse frequently during the day and bedshare/nurse at night. Do anyone have any tidbits for keeping supply up?  I would love to continue our nursing relationship as long as possible- even after delivery 
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Re: Nursing during pregnancy

  • I was still nursing 5-7 times a day when I got my BFP. DD was 9 months. The best advice I received to continue BFing actually came from our pedi. She told me to make sure I was drinking even more water, to listen to my body and eat when I was hungry, and to just rest as much as possible and enjoy nursing. I too was worried about supply and having to go to formula but stress will negatively affect your supply. So I decided to enjoy it while I could and actually started the weaning process before I thought I would because I was just absolutely exhausted all the time and knew part of it was the BFing. I mean, I just couldn't function. We're down to once a day now and still going strong with it. DD was on formula once or twice a day for a month before we went to WCM at a year and I'm happy with the journey we've had so far. GL!
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    Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers
    DD born 5/15/11
    DS born 11/12/12
  • Lots and lots of water.

    I nursed until I was about 3 months pg (DS was 14 or 15 months, I forget) and then I weaned. I was really tired but do wish I kept going a bit longer. He was happy with WCM so it really wasn't a big deal to least I don't think.

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  • Yep I've noticed that I'm way more thirsty than before I was pregnant!
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  • When my supply dropped when I got pregnant with LO#2 my LC suggested giving more yogurt, cheese, etc. to make up for the smaller nursing sessions.  My daughter was about 8 months at the time.  We continued to BF until she was a year old.  Around that time I was 20 weeks along and my OB wanted me to stop nursing.  I probably could have continued throughout the pregnancy without any problems but I honestly needed the break. 

    BabyFetus Ticker
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