So I hear women raving about Dr. Bowen, and I would love to choose him as my OB but there's no way I'm going back to Bethesda (where he delivers). He delivers at Mercy Fairfield too but apparently doesn't make it there most of the time because he's already at Bethesda. So I have no other choice but to look for someone else. Did anyone have a successful vbac with a different OB??? Thanks!
Re: Cincinnati vbac-ers: Which OB did you use?
Did you vbac? Which Dr there is the best in your opinion?
I had a major problem with my epidural. It worked fine for a few hrs but then it moved out of place because they were moving me around a lot due to a posterior baby. Because it was in the wrong place the drugs were being absorbed too quickly into my body and made me super drowsy. When they up the dose on the epidural after deciding to do a section, it made me even more sleepy. Once in the OR they failed to thoroughly check if I was numb. The first time they checked I said I was not numb and could still feel. I had fallen asleep when the pain of the incision woke me up and I said out loud that it hurt. They did not take it seriously though and instead of putting me out just gave me some pain killer through my IV. It sedated me to where I couldn't verbalize anymore. I'm just disappointed that I wasn't taken seriously and that instead of fixing the problem they just gave me more drugs. There were clear clinical signs that something wasn't right such as a huge spike in my heartrate and blood pressure when they made the incision and also my level of consciousness I was lethargic. I communicated more then once that the epidural wasn't helping the pain but they failed to follow up on it. I spoke directly to the director of anesthesiology and reported this problem. Hopefully they retrained the staff so they are more aware of this issue. Next time I will have a thorough conversation with my OB and anesthesiologist before everything so they triple check me to avoid this problem.
I am also a patient of Amy Long & trying for a vbac this summer!! Was she very patient in the delivery room? I love her as a doc, but Lautman delivered my daughter & c-sectioned me. I've not experienced delivery with Dr. Long.
I am trying for a VBAC in the fall. I'm currently being seen at Gynecologic & Obstetric Consultants of Greater Cincinnati (GOC). I delivered my first with Seven Hills in Western Hills. I saw one of the Dr's at Seven Hills before I was pregnant with # 2 and they wouldn't even entertain the idea of a VBAC and automatically said any subsequent pregnancies would be C-Section, although I qualify for a VBAC. Glad I switched, I never wanted a C-section in the first place but baby was in a frank breech position and 5 weeks early so I didn't have much choice. Both offices deliver at Christ, which is a plus.