Pitocin question

holly321holly321 member

My ob did tell me last time I was pregnant, that the hospital would not allow for and induction.   Does that mean you can not have any pitocin?  I was given it after my d&c...  Also, does that mean I can not have my membranes ruptured?

Re: Pitocin question

  • Best bet is to clarify with your doctor what his/her practice's philosophy is, however I can share with you from my experiences so far what the OBs at my practice have been telling me (I'm due in early Oct., hoping for VBAC post-emergency C/S in May 2010.)

    When hx of C/S is present, my OBs said that they do not use any pharmacological agents to induce the ripening of the cervix (e.g., Cervidil or other prostaglandins) -- apparently these are linked to an increase in risk of uterine rupture, hence their policy.  However, my OBs have all agreed that if, when the time comes, my cervix is already soft and ripening on its own, they would consider using Pitocin to strengthen and regularize contractions (if needed).

    With first delivery I went in to labor naturally, dilated fully w/o Pit, and started a couple of trial pushes before ultimately needing C/S (fetal complications coupled w/ pre-e)...SO my fingers are crossed that my body will know what to do and do it again this time!  That being said, I've been reading up on the non-pharmacological things that I can do to help things along when I get to term (herbal teas, intercourse, etc.)

    As far as stripping or rupturing of the membranes goes, I haven't asked about that yet -- good question!  And good luck!

  • I think you should clarify with your Doctor, but in my case the MW practice will only do VBAC's in the hospital and the hospital's policy is no inductions with pit.  However the MW did tell me that they will use a small does if you are already in labor and it seems to stall.  My MW will strip membranes and has some other more natural suggestions for jump starting labor, so it's worth having a discussion with what they will do and recc.
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  • Here is the information that can answer your questions. ACOG is the governing body for OB GYNs.The OB's go to ACOG for their guidlines on anything in Obstetrics. Here is an article for patients in regards to VBACs or to TOLAC.


  • You shouldn't have Pitocin during your labor with a VBAC -- induction raises the risk of rupture 2 to 4 times. But you can (and should) have it after delivery to quickly get the uterus to stop bleeding.
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