
If you've had a party for LO at a park/pavilion, I have some q's

We'll be having DD's first official kids birthday party in July at a park/pavilion about a mile away from the house. We're not having a meal, just cake, finger snacks (chips, fruit, etc), tons of cold drinks, etc.  I'm curious to know if the cake and cupcakes will keep ok in the heat? I will be ordering a sheet cake for the adults but have to make the cupcakes myself because of DD's nut allergy, and usually make whipped cream/cream cheese icing.

I planned on the party being approx 2 hours long.  We're having pony rides and there is a playground right next to the pavilion. Should I have other games/activities?  The woman w/the ponies (she's a friend of MIL) said she usually allots an hour per 6 kids.  I'm inviting 12 total but unsure of how many will be coming (I do know that there are at least 10 confirmed adult family members and one child attending).

I feel clueless! Any help? Suggestions of snacks that stay good in the heat?  Suggestions of other games/activities, if you think we should have more? What order should I do everything? (I don't plan on opening gifts there).

The party has a "pony" theme.

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Re: If you've had a party for LO at a park/pavilion, I have some q's

  • I would put things that need to stay cold in an ice bath.  Get aluminum lasagna pans and fill them with ice and add some water.  What time is the party?  Is it at an "off" meal time?  Did the invite mention that there would not be a meal provided?  I think what you have planned sounds great, as long as it isn't close to a meal time when people might expect more hearty food.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

  • The children will just want to play. You could organize a game of simon says, red light-green light or have a sack race. But I don't think you need "party games."

    I'd just keep the cupcakes in a cooler. They also make king size muffin cups which are 3" high. You can make a regular size cupcake in them, but they will be lower than the sides of the muffin cup. The frosting will be in the cup and won't leak over the sides. 
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  • I would make cupcakes for everyone and then freeze them.  Bring them in a cooler and they should be fine by the time you want them.
    Rebecca- mom to 3 kids: DS born 2005, DD born 2007 and DS born 2010.
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