Food Allergy

Anyone else unable to use powder formula?

For the past 4 months, I have been dairy, soy, egg, nut, wheat, and oat free.  All of those things give my DD diahrrea/hives when I consume them and then nurse.  Her stools are STILL abnormal (ie mucous and green) even though I'm on a very limited diet.  For this reason, I want to switch to formula before she starts solids so I can monitor her reactions better. 

We tried both the alimentum powder and the alimentum RTF formula.  The powder gave her hives while I was feeding her (I'm assuming it's from the corn starch).  We did a trial for the RTF formula for 24 hours and she seemed to tolderate it fine.  I'm hoping she will be ok if we completely switch.

Anyway, is anyone else's baby this sensitive?  I feel so alone.  Not only is she MSPI, but she has all these other sensitivities/allergies.  Has anyone else not had luck with any powder formula? 

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Re: Anyone else unable to use powder formula?

  • Have you tried an elemental formula (Neocate or Elecare)? I was on a similar diet to you - no dairy, soy, nuts, eggs, gluten and beef.  DD continued to have very mucusy poops even with all of those foods out of my diet.  I finally threw in the towel since I wasn't able to help her.

    We tried Alimentum and still had the mucusy poops, so we just switched to Neocate.  Her poops are getting better in terms of the mucus, so I think it is helping.  However, her poops are nasty (dark green and tar-like, which is apparently totally normal for this type of formula) which is giving her terrible diaper rash.  I just can't win.  Sigh.  


    Toddler Turtle - November 2011
    Baby Turtle - November 2014

  • You need to try an elemental formula.  Neocate or Elecare are broken down so that kids that are allergic to EVERYTHING can tolerate them.  There are a couple more options if those don't work, but mostly, kids can handle those.  Even the most complex kids.

    If you'd like to try a can, ask your allergist or a Pedi GI for a sample.  You can also go to the EOS/Elemental Formula Exchange group or the Medical Supply Exchange group on FB to see if someone will send you a can.  You'll have to pay shipping.

    For Neocate, you can call them (ck their website for their phone #) and they will send you a free sample.  Good luck!!

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  • I agree that you should try an elemental formula like Neocate.  Alimentum and Nutramigen are hydrolysate formulas which means that they are broken down into partial protein chains, and most MSPI babies do well on this type of specialized formula and are able to handle the partial chains.  However, there are those more sensitive babies that require an elemental formula where there are no protein chains to break down.  Elemental formulas are broken down into 100% free amino acids, making them hypoallergenic.  I thought this video was helpful:

    What makes Neocate special YouTube Video:

    You may need to transition your LO onto an elemental formula, but hang in there!!! 
    Rachel Mom to 3 boys Augustboy02 - Sensational Sensory Kid Decemberboy04 -former reflux baby Augustboy10 - MFPI baby
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