
I'm at the end of my rope...

Here's my vent... 

I really feel like I am about to explode.

I have been sick for the last week. I had a stubborn cough that wouldn't go away and I couldn't take any OTC cough medicine for it because I'm pregnant. On Sunday night I thought I was going to die -- I woke up at 2am and couldn't breathe and I was coughing so much that I threw up and it was bloody. Well that little episode landed me in the ER and I was told I have phnemonia -- awesome. So I got some meds yesterday but the Dr said it could take 2 days to see an imporivement.

So last night I go to sleep early, because I haven't slept more than a 3 hours in a row since last monday, and around 1am I hear DD yelling for us. DH and I run in her room and there is vomit EVERYWHERE and on everything. It took an hour to get her room and her cleaned up.

We were up with her all night and she still hasn't stopped throwing up (she's staying with MIL today) and I didn't get any sleep again. I feel so bad for DD and even though I shouldn't, I feel bad for myself... I'm running on empty over here.

I had to come to work today because I don't have a lot of sick time to use and I need it for OB appts.

I had a mini-breakdown this morning... I have no idea what I'm going to do when we have 2 kids... I have no clue how I will handle it... what if we are all sick at the same time?

Ugh... today is not a good day... thanks for letting me vent...

Re: I'm at the end of my rope...

  • (((HUGS))) I hope you both feel better soon!
  • I think you have to believe that you are given the strength to deal with whatever comes your way.  Hugs and hope you and DD feel better soon!  Rely on your DH and your family to help, don't be afraid to ask for help or to delegate!  You need to rest and get better! 


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  • big hugs to you.  i wish i could bring you some of my ricola's - they really helped with my cough and i think they would be ok for a pregnant mama like yourself. 

    you will be fine, fantastic, wonderful with 2 kids.  anytime you throw in pneomonia, a puking kid and no sleep you are going to feel doubtful.  i hope you can get some rest soon.

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • {hugs} I hope you feel bette SOON!

    You need  to take it easy and take care of yourself, you need rest right now, more than ever.

    It's not easy, but it's doable... I am running on empty too. DH is sick, he's not much help. Both kids are sick... and I have not slept more than a 3 hour stretch in 6 months...

    Somehow you get that strength to do it.... 

    Just take good care of  yourself now. Hope  you're all better soon!


  • You poor thing!  you need some rest!  Can your MIL watch your DD for a little while longer today so that you can take a nap when you get home?

    Everything seems much worse when you are sick!  Take care of yourself!

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