Cloth Diapering

DH thought a fitted was an AIO

Last night I swaddled DD and put her in her crib for the first time at night. After paranoidly checking the monitor every few seconds, I finally passed out. DH had been at the inlaws, and when he came home, DD was crying (yeah, I was THAT tired), so he got her up, changed her, then woke me up to nurse. As I was holding her, I felt her back & said, "Uh oh. It feels like some of her diaper is sticking up above the cover...". To which DH replied, "What? There is no cover, I didn't use a prefold, I used one of the purple diapers." Yeah... The purple diapers are fitteds. He had no idea. Good thing I realized, because I'd been planning to co-sleep the rest of the night and would have been peed all over!
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Re: DH thought a fitted was an AIO

  • Haha hey, at least he's on board! TBH I initially thought so too and some people do let their kids run around without a cover...just not to nap/ sleep! I love how he stayed away from the prefold!
  • Oh, that's too cute!

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  • Hehe. My mom did this for one of her naps.
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  • I will say, I was impressed that he used the term "prefold". And I haven't found any Snappis on upside down lately. Poor DH, CDs have a huge learning curve for him.
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  • L0L0L0L0 member
    My mom and my husband have both forgotten covers over prefolds (one time each, that was enough!) DH is really good at CD. He has picked up the lingo from me. The best is when he's explaining CD to someone else and I can see that he actually has been listening to me blab on about them.
  • I put fitteds in a completely different place, to avoid confusion Smile

    Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)

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