
Giuliana Rancic

Sorry if this has already been posted...


Do you think she could be having twins? I haven't been watching the show but they have had a marathon on today so I caught up. I noticed when they first found out the surrogate was pregnant, they kept mentioning "they" or "their" but then they would use the singular tense. And on tonight's finale episode there is a "miracle" at the Dr's appt.  


What do you think? Or has this been announced and I have missed it? 

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Re: Giuliana Rancic

  • I totally think she is! I've noticed they, especially Bill has used plural versions accidentally a couple of times. I love their show and we are due almost the same time too. We got our BFP on xmas and they got theirs on new years
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  • ppantsppants member
    They are keeping the gender a secret. IMO, that's why they use "they" instead of him or her.
    Wendy Twins 1/27/06. DS and DD
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  • I love that show.... and I LOVE them!  I didn't think they were having twins, but would be SO very happy for then if they did!!!
    TTC Since Jan. 2011
    July 2011: Clomid 50mg- No ovulation
    Sept 2011: Clomid 100mg- No ovulation
    Nov 2011: Clomid 150mg- No ovulation
    Jan-Feb 2012: 150mg Clomid and 5 mg Femara w/ Orvidrel Shot- Ovulation!!
    Feb 2012: IUI #1- BFP
    Beta #1: 206
    Beta #2: 2496
    Feb 16: TWINS!!!
    June 13: Found out genders... Boy/Girl (Team Green)

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  • imagemrs_sexy:
    They are keeping the gender a secret. IMO, that's why they use "they" instead of him or her.
    This is what I was thinking. I could've sworn they confirmed it was just one, but maybe I'm wrong. Now I can't wait to watch the finale!
    After 5 TI Clomid cycles, 5 IUIs, and 2 IVFs we finally got our BFP!
    Beta#1 (12dp3dt)= 353, Beta#2 (15dp3dt)= 1466, Beta#3 (22dp3dt)= 14,139, First u/s: TWINS!!
    After 10 weeks of bedrest, our two little ladies joined us at 28w6d
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  • imageCaliDutchGrl:

    Sorry if this has already been posted...


    Do you think she could be having twins? I haven't been watching the show but they have had a marathon on today so I caught up. I noticed when they first found out the surrogate was pregnant, they kept mentioning "they" or "their" but then they would use the singular tense. And on tonight's finale episode there is a "miracle" at the Dr's appt.  


    What do you think? Or has this been announced and I have missed it? 

    I think they faked the conception date to give them privacy. There was some weirdness in one of the past episodes about dates and timing.

    And I totally thought it was twins but I'm not so sure now.

    I'm watching the finale now and I was super glad to see that she did a final ER to save her eggs before she starts cancer treatments.  

  • I dont think it's twins based on the ultrasound they showed.  I just don't see a second baby in there.
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  • imagegoogle123:
    I dont think it's twins based on the ultrasound they showed.  I just don't see a second baby in there.

    my DVR cut off the end of the episode. Did they announce the gender or leave it as a cliffhanger for viewers?  

  • imagenikinikinine:

    I dont think it's twins based on the ultrasound they showed.  I just don't see a second baby in there.

    my DVR cut off the end of the episode. Did they announce the gender or leave it as a cliffhanger for viewers?  

    Cliffhanger!  They said to tune in June 16th (? I think that's the date) to find out.

    Double the love
    photo Eastercollage_zps0735f04a.jpg
    7/30/12 - B/G twins born at 33w4d due to PPROM
  • I was trying to pause the commercials to get a better look at the ultrasound but couldn't tell. I haven't watched the episode yet...but I don't think she is having twins after reading things online tonight :) 

    I love them! Such an awesome couple and I am so happy for them! 

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  • I'm wondering too! I remember the Dr saying "that girl is really fertile" or something like that, about the surrogate, which also made me wonder.

    But, they also seem superstitious... I would feel like I was jinxing myself if I announced I was expecting 1 baby when it was really twins.

    DH makes so much fun of me for watching these shows, but they really seem like a genuinely sweet couple!

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  • Hmmm I didn't think so. I haven't watched the last two episodes but I think at one point they said they put in two and that one of them took. I am not sure but I don't think they're having twins. Who knows though - but I can't think of a reason for not saying they were having twins once you announce your pregnancy. It would be fun to watch the show though if they did! I love watching people with twins. I love Making Room for Multiples and last night on Pregnant in Heels there was a woman babysitting twins in advance of having her twins.

  • jcathjcath member

    I haven't watched it in a long time but saw last nights episode.  I'm really happy for them and think its great that they are being public about this.  

    I might have misinterpretted things but I almost thought they were hinting at Giuliana being pregnant - I know she did the ER but they didn't say anything about a transfer. I assumed she was freezing for another attempt with a surrogate. 

    My only pet peeve is that she kept saying well I'm not carrying the baby but it's "our baby"  I guess I'm sensitive b/c I used a donor egg but I certainly think my girls are my babies and I'm quite certain that people who adopt or use donor embryos or donor sperm etc feel like they are "their babies" 

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  • Well if you go online you can see a preview of the episode where they are looking at the ultrasound.  Just based on how mine looked and other twin mom's, I just didn't see another baby in there, and they moved the u/s wand around quite a bit.  I didn't notice another leg, or foot, or anything.  But you never know, they could have just shown what they wanted us to see.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • imagenikinikinine:

    I dont think it's twins based on the ultrasound they showed.  I just don't see a second baby in there.

    my DVR cut off the end of the episode. Did they announce the gender or leave it as a cliffhanger for viewers?  

    Well, I only had one sac at my first US .. or was this supposed to be later?

  • imageMrsJeffsWife2B:

    I dont think it's twins based on the ultrasound they showed.  I just don't see a second baby in there.

    my DVR cut off the end of the episode. Did they announce the gender or leave it as a cliffhanger for viewers?  

    Well, I only had one sac at my first US .. or was this supposed to be later?


    I did too! 

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  • She's not, they showed that there was only one sac at the ultrasounds in one of the episodes. SHe also even said that she wants to have more than just one kid in the future..that's why she's freezing her eggs. So i'm pretty sure there is only one baby.
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