I've been trying to think of names for our new baby. I have normal names, but I also have some that are different and some that are little 'out there' and am wondering if they are TOO out there for a name. So please, post your truthful opinions!
Ever (Everly)
Re: Opinions on odd names
Of your boy list, only Nero is too far out there for me. I like Marek and Nikolai the best. As for the girls, they are all too far out there for me.
Acceptable for use: Marek, Atticus, Nikolai, Ever
Should remain Guilty Pleasures: Gaius, Tiberius, Hera, Monroe
Should never be on anyone's list, ever: Nero, Faris, Vesper, Halo
I'm someone who likes unusual names, but I think these are a little too out there for me. All of your girls names are just really NMS. I don't know why anyone would name a baby Nero... for historical reasons. That's a lot to saddle a child with.
As a PP said, you may be able to get away with Nikolai (which I actually really like) and Atticus. I know Gaius was a very popular name in Roman times, but I think it would probably welcome a good bit of teasing. I know it isn't pronouced like GAY-us, but I think some people might read it that way.
12/1999: Dx with Endometriosis (age 12)
5/2001: Ruptured appendix, massive scar tissue
6/2005:Dx with Interstitial Cystitis
9/2005: Gall bladder removed due to problems from cysts
7/2006: Officially Dx with Fibromyalgia (age 18)
2/2010: Partial left ovarian torsion
10/2012: SA = Low Motility
11/2012: Surgery #5 to remove scar tissue & paratubal cyst
HSG: Right tube blocked; unable to clear
I love Atticus. Nikolai, Marek and Tiberius are okay. I can't get Battlestar Gallactica out of my head when I see Gaius.
I don't really like any of your girl names.
Nero-Can't get past the emperor
Marek-I like this one.
Atticus-It has a nice old-fashioned feel to it.
Gaius-Same reason as Nero
Apollo-Different, but not in a bad way. I think it's creative.
Nikolai-I think this one is one of my favorites from this list.
Tiberius-Oy, guilty pleasure don't get me started. I really like it.
Hera-Hera was too grouchy for my taste
Faris-Not really feeling this one.
Ember-I like it but it sounds too much like Amber. I don't really care for Amber.
Monroe-Cute, it would take a certain kind of personality to carry it though, maybe a middle name?
Vesper-I like the meaning of Vesper. It's a bit on the too different side for me.
Halo-I can't seem to get behind this one.
Ever (Everly)-I like Everly.
I absolutely love Nikolai!! LOVE
Atticus i like
the only girls names i like are Hera and Faris
I LOVE Marek and Everly. I like Monroe as well, but I don't think I have the guts to use it.
FWIW, Marek is on my list, but spelled Merrick, after the town I grew up in.
My Ovulation Chart
I like Nero, Nikolai, Tiberius, Ember, and Monroe.
Attiticus is the only OK name for me, the rest are too out there.
Faris-I think Anna Faris
Monroe-Isn't that Mariah Careys DD?
Vesper-I think of James Bond.
Ever (Everly)-I actually really like this name
DD2 October 2010
DS September 2012
Nero- It has a nice sound but it has terrible connotations. Reallt bad connotations, and one day your child will pick up a history book and discover his namesake was balls to the wall crazy.
Marek- I've never heard this name before, but I like it. It sounds nice, assuming it's pronounces Mare-eck
Atticus- This is my name for a boy!! So OBVIOUSLY I love it!
Gaius- I really like this name and the meaning.
Apollo- Nice name, nice reference
Nikolai- I support any name that references a fabulous scientist! But "Nikky" appears to be an obvious nickname.
Tiberius- This is a bit long for a young kids name, and Tibby or Tib isn't an appealing nickname.
Hera- Again, nice name but bad connotations. Hera is not considered one of the favorable goddesses. She's kind of considered the b*tch of the gods.
Faris- Nice, but expect a lot of "Ferris" references.
Ember- Beautiful name
Monroe- Really trendy. I don't know how much I'd want my child to carry a sexpot namesake.
Vesper- I just think of the 007 Bond girl. I forget whether or not she was actually a traitor.
Halo- I generally dislike religious imagery for baby names. I know a few embarrassed atheists named Christian, Angel, and Faith. It's pretty awkward for them.
Ever (Everly)- I think this is a lovely name, and the nickname is very sweet.I like Atticus and Nikolai
Monroe is ok, but Mariah Carey just gave her daughter that name, and I don't like any of your other girl names.
BFP 12/19/08- DS born 8/25/09 9lbs2oz via Zavanelli Maneuver
BFP 8/26/11- Missed miscarriage discovered 10/19/11 at 11w2d, measured at 9 weeks gestation w/ no HB. D&C 10/21/11
BFP 3/17/12 at 12dpo CP 3/21/12
BFP 4/23/12 at 10dpo Stick my little one! Beta #1: 83.3 @ 13dpo Beta #2: 197.7 @ 15dpo
Our little man is getting bigger every day!
My BFP Chart
I like Apollo
Everly and Monroe. The rest nms.
Nero - like
Marek - I've never heard this one before but find it appealing
Atticus - love! Was on my short list but DH vetoed
Gaius - I'm gonna be shallow--I think the fact that it contains "gay" is not something you want to set your kid up for. Love Caius, though.
Apollo - love. Now that I'm actually pregnant I think it may be SLIGHTLY too out there for me, but I'd be super pumped if someone else used it.
Nikolai - like
Tiberius - like a lot, actually.
Hera - awesome. I
greek mythology
Faris - ...bueller's day off. Don't like it.
Ember - trashy sounding to me. Sounds like a trendy version of Amber.
Monroe - all I can think of is J Lo's twins. It's better than Moroccan, but that's not saying much.
Vesper - nms, but I can definitely see it growing on me if I knew someone with this name. As it is, all I can think of is Casino Royale.
Halo - 1st person shooter. No.
Ever (Everly) - eh, ok but nms. Also feels kind of trendy. I like your boy names way more!
I'm not sure if the OP intended this pronunciation, but Gaius is traditionally pronounced as Guy-US.