I was wondering if anyone was either EBF or EP and got pregnant? We would like to start trying for another one soon and I'm EP and still haven't got my period. I want to EP for a few more months but if it will prevent me from getting pregnant I might stop sooner. Any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Re: Getting pregant while still nursing ?
...lurker here...
I got pregnant when DD was 15mos old and still nursing every 3-4hrs around the clock. My period returned when she was 7mos old but I was Oing late and my LP was very short. The cycle I got pregnant I O'd a week early which caught us off guard (bad TTA I know)
Currently going through our second deployment. Can't wait for Zoe to meet her daddy!
It depends on what is more important to you and your family. Is it more important to feed your baby BM or to have your children closer in age? That is a question that only you can answer.
If you have not gotten your period, you could still get pregnant whenever your fertility returns. However, there is no telling when it might return as long as you are EPing.
I got pregnant while still BFing. DS1 was 9 months old. We got lucky and caught the first egg, so I have not had a period since Dec '09.
3 different stories (all women I know well or myself)
Woman one - period returns ~3 months PP. Doesn't start trying until closer to 12 months. Gets pregnant, weans #1 due to pregnancy, miscarriage (older mom), pregnant again a few months later, ultimately children 2+ years apart.
Woman two - period returns 11 months PP, starts trying at 13 months, pregnant at 14 months, tandem nursing currently.
Woman three - begins trying around 12 months, no period yet, no period still at 2+ years PP (very fit woman), finally weans at 2.5 years and gets pregnant as soon as fertility returns.
I EBF for 13 months and never had AF. Once I completely weaned AF came back. I got KU that month but I m/c at 5 1/2 weeks. I've read and heard on the boards of m/c being common after your first cycle PP so that might have been the case for me. I got pregnant again the next month.
The only reason I weaned was to get AF back becaue we wanted a 2 year age gap between DD and #2.
My friend said she called her doc about wanting to ttc but was ebf and they told her to night wean. She got her period a few weeks later and then got pregnant after her first cycle. Her son was 11 months at the time. I night weaned at 8 months and got my period a few weeks later (again ebf) and got pregnant after the first cycle.
So I would suggest night weaning and then seeing I'd AF returns.
Hope that helps.