Food Allergy

Follow up to giving up BF (+I may have made things worse)

 Hi Ladies, this is a follow up to my post  from a few days ago.


Thanks to everyone, who responded! 

So after a failed Nutramigen attempt (DD refused to eat it, I gagged and cried) I thought I'd try the Gerber Good Start formula.Our pedi gave me a box to try.When I said it has dairy and soy, she said it's predigested, it's worth a try.

I was very nervous, because I'm not really sure what DD's reaction to dairy really is.I had been dairy free for 3 weeks 3 times, and each time I did it, made no difference in DD's skin or acid reflux.She was tested for milk protein allergy from her poop, twice, with negative results.Skin prick test was also negative, however, the RAST test showed a class I reaction. She's never had blood in her diaper, but she's had a few mucusy poops, some darker green,occasionally.

To make the long story short, DD gulped down the formula, just like she does breast milk.I gave it to her twice yesterday and all of her meals today (3 so far).

Now she had a poop that smelled horrible.Is that normal on formula?

It was also thick and bit mucusy with a greenish tint (not as orange).Can she be reacting to the milk or the soy oil (though it seems Nutramigen also has soy oil)?

I realize, that we need a hypoallergenic formula but I'm so nervous that DD won't eat it :/ 

Thanks so much! 

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Re: Follow up to giving up BF (+I may have made things worse)

  • Stinky poops are normal with formula, so I wouldn't be worried about that at all. The only part that would concern me is if the mucous doesn't go away within another couple of days. When was the last time she was breastfed? It might take awhile to get it all out of her system.

    My advice would be to keep an eye out for changes that might indicate an allergy, like worsening eczema or a diaper rash. So far it sounds like the Gerber is working out just fine. Keep us posted, and keep your pedi posted as well in case any additional advice is needed!

    Soy oil is a fairly unlikely culprit; even those with soy allergies can usually tolerate it.

    Mom to E, 11/2011 - Severe egg & dairy allergies, soy intolerance *** Stepmom to G, 2001
  • imageChristine&Mario:

    Stinky poops are normal with formula, so I wouldn't be worried about that at all. The only part that would concern me is if the mucous doesn't go away within another couple of days. When was the last time she was breastfed? It might take awhile to get it all out of her system.

    My advice would be to keep an eye out for changes that might indicate an allergy, like worsening eczema or a diaper rash. So far it sounds like the Gerber is working out just fine. Keep us posted, and keep your pedi posted as well in case any additional advice is needed!

    Soy oil is a fairly unlikely culprit; even those with soy allergies can usually tolerate it.

    Thanks!Well,everything was fine then she started getting really gassy (with horrible smell) and started throwing up as well, all afternoon.She has acid reflux, so I'm used to the spit ups but this went on all afternoon.Her skin is looking worse and worse,unfortunately. 

    She got breast milk in the bottle last night, then again this afternoon/evening after the series of throw ups. I keep going with the diet of no dairy, soy, egg,nuts and gluten and keep pumping, I guess...

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  • don't understand why your ped would have you try goodstart. that obviously wouldn't be good for an mspi baby. annoying!!!

     you should make an allergist or gi appointment so that you can get elecare or necoate approved & then gradually mix it in w/ the breastmilk or formula until she is used to the taste.  

  • You can flavor the more elemental formula's and then slowly wean the kiddo's off the flavoring.  You can mix it with Pedialyte or add some Pedialyte (or generic, we used the Walmart fruit punch powder) and it makes it sweeter so your baby likes it.  then you slowly use less and less of the flavor and your lo will be used to the flavor the formula.  Some of them are NASTY.  I tried the Neocate and puked from the flavor.  Neocate also makes an amazing cherry vanilla flavoring packet that you can add.  It's really good.

    Good luck!!

  • IDK, I think I would try the Nutramigen again or switch to an elemental like Neocate. The thing is it's not uncommon for a baby to not want to take it at first, elemental formulas have a distinct taste, did you switch cold turkey?  You may want to try slowly weaning your LO onto the new formula, start even as little as 1 oz Neocate to 3 oz old formula, and then slowly bump up the amount of new vs. old, YKWIM?  

    Mucousy stools are an indication of an intolerance, and like a pp said it could be that your LO needs more time to adjust, but  IMO I think it's more likely that she is still reacting to the milk proteins in the Good Start. 
    Rachel Mom to 3 boys Augustboy02 - Sensational Sensory Kid Decemberboy04 -former reflux baby Augustboy10 - MFPI baby
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