We're having twin boys. Any other combo for these twins and the name would be set. But I just can't find a second boy name we love.
Our last name is similar to McDonald
Twin A is going to August Jack (Gus) McDonald.
Twin B was going to be George Joseph but I don't know if I love it anymore.
I like "old man names". Nothing too trendy. My husband likes names that sound like the kid could be a baseball player.
DD's name is Bea so my current favorite boy's name, Arthur, is out.
Other names we like:
Palmer (My Grandpa's name but it sound like masturbator, right?)
Any opinions (from this board...I'm gonna guess a few) or suggestions?
I'd also love to know what your son's or favorite boys names are so I have an idea of what you like. Thanks.
Re: Give It To Me Straight.
I think we have really similar taste--I adore August, Arthur and Oscar. My DS's name is Rhett. Other names on our list that you might like:
Walter, Martin, Elias, Henry, Vincent, James, Lewis, Felix, Avery, Hector, Clark, Ezra, Asher, Phillip
I just want to give you a world as beautiful as you are to me.
I think Theodore (Theo), Leo, or Miles (Milo) would go really well with August.
Our top boy name right now is Grant. I also like Graham, Noel, Brooks, Dean, Reed and Pierce (Obv)
Ah, thanks! Your daughter is adorable as well, and I love her name! You have good taste (in names and toddler clothes...I love her little dress!)
Thanks everyone for the great suggestions.
My grandfather was Arthur, and his father was Maurice (changed to Morris when he immigrated to the States).
DS2 is Otis.
I like August Jack but George Joseph kind of reads "Bland" to me.
Felix, Edwin, Theodore, Henry, Wallace, Desmond all read "cool old man" to me.