3rd Trimester

BH contraction while doing the nasty? Maybe TMI

The last few times DH and I were bumping uglies (or as I like to say prettys) when I climax my stomach gets rock hard and contracts. I didn't notice this before about 3 weeks ago. It's not painful but kind of distracting, and it goes away if I turn and lay on my side. Anyone else experience anything like this?
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Re: BH contraction while doing the nasty? Maybe TMI

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    I dunno if what you are experiencing is BH- I get that which is totally normal after sex.


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    I dunno if what you are experiencing is BH- I get that which is totally normal after sex.


     Does that only happen while your pregnant or all of the time? I haven't noticed it until now...maybe it's because my belly has grown?  

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    I read somewhere that your uterus actually contracts during an orgasm anyways, but that since it's bigger now we can feel it more significantly. Also orgasms can cause you to have practice contractions (they release oxytocin), which is why like my obgyn recommended lots of sex to encourage them, and hopefully push me into labor once my body is ready :) (It won't do anything unless your body is ready for labor, so enjoy... I've learned to ignore the tightening feeling now).
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    I read somewhere that your uterus actually contracts during an orgasm anyways, but that since it's bigger now we can feel it more significantly. Also orgasms can cause you to have practice contractions (they release oxytocin), which is why like my obgyn recommended lots of sex to encourage them, and hopefully push me into labor once my body is ready :)



    I ostly get them after sex always.  there are times I dont.  and really- I not having tons of sex lol 

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    Yep, I get it and it's normal.  I actually asked my OB about it at my last appt becuase mine is really intense...it sometimes lasts up to 10 mins and it pretty uncomfortable.  I go from instance satisfaction to instant discomfort in like 2 seconds.

    Your uterus normally contracts during climax and that will trigger a contraction when pregnant.

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    I read somewhere that your uterus actually contracts during an orgasm anyways, but that since it's bigger now we can feel it more significantly. Also orgasms can cause you to have practice contractions (they release oxytocin), which is why like my obgyn recommended lots of sex to encourage them, and hopefully push me into labor once my body is ready :)



    I ostly get them after sex always.  there are times I dont.  and really- I not having tons of sex lol 

    Ha I'm getting to that point, definatly not as frequent as it used to be. I'm lurking in here early as I'm only 26 weeks but I'm tired of 2tri board. Figured you ladies may know more since you're farther along. Thanks

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    I dunno if what you are experiencing is BH- I get that which is totally normal after sex.




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    I dunno if what you are experiencing is BH- I get that which is totally normal after sex.



    This. Has happened to me every time during the entire pregnancy.


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    I've been this way since around 12 weeks or so (noticeable anyway). Every orgasm makes my uterus tighten up and it'll stay tight for a few minutes.
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    It's perfectly normal; however, if you experience any pain it's not

    LO #2, EDD Aug 5 =)
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