Pregnant after 35

Pressure in nether regions...update. A bit long, sorry.

At my regular OB appt Thursday I let her know about the downward pressure I was having and she checked me and found soft (closed) cervix so made an appt for us to some back Monday (today) and try to rest this weekend. Had tightening in stomach Friday night and then some light cramping. Pressure/cramping Saturday still so we went to hospital. It turned out that I was having lots of contractions.

They gave me a shot to stop the contractions and it worked. Bedrest remainder of  weekend and then last night there was pink discharge in my underwear right after I stood up and also on the TP. Back to bed and no more discharge or cramping, still some pressure. Our appt. is in about an hour and she is going to do some testing to try to figure out what's going on. It's very scary. Baby is kicking all over and active, which is great. I feel horrible that my body is acting like this. We are supposed to fly to visit my family tomorrow and that will be okayed or nixed based on this morning's appt.. Please send good thoughts and prayers because we are so nervous!

Married August 14, 2011 Gave birth to our beautiful baby girl on September 17, 2012

Re: Pressure in nether regions...update. A bit long, sorry.

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