Hi, my name is Michelle. I am almost 43 and single. I am a retired police officer, just have not found the right guy. I went to check on my fertility due to my age and all looked good. I started a round of IVF of repronex and lupron. Just had an ultrasound and bloodwork day 9, only one follicle on each ovary. Trying not to lose hope here as having a child has been my dream but it is hard. I have to wait all day to see if bloodwork is still increasing in numbers....My mind is crazy, how do we know how many eggs are in each follicle? It only takes one good egg right? The DR said usually he would stop and cancel at this point. I do not know how to think this is my first try, would results be any better trying again? How about a last ditch effort for IUI? If anyone can give me advice or any comments it would be great I feel so lonely going through this. Good luck on your own adventures.
Re: NEW...Wayne NJ
Hi Michelle, I also live in Wayne! I did IUI and got pregnant the first try. I would love to share my experience with you. I gave birth to my son Noah on 3/24/12. Email me mlev111@yahoo.com. Melani
Have u gone to RMA in morristown? They are amazing.... Good luck !