Has anyone here had a c-section because of a bicornuate uterus? I have some questions regarding this and would love someone that could answer some questions for me.
I have a bicornuate uterus. DD1 was born vaginally, DD2 by c-section. After DD1's delivery I had an emergency D&C due to retained placenta. My OB felt this was related to the septum in my uterus.
Okay...I found out after my first delivery (via c-section due to fetal distress) that I have a bicornuate uterus. At the time I was just told that I had a "heart shaped uterus". I became pregnant roughly a year later, switched doctor's midway through pregnancy and delivered with a successful VBAC and the shape of my uterus was never mentioned again. I miscarried in November 2011, the cause is believe to be a clotting disorder-once again nothing was said about the shape of my uterus. Last Thursday I went to have a u/s for my current pregnancy (believing to be somewhere between 5-7 weeks) and the u/s tech asked if anyone had ever told me I had a bicornuate uterus, I told her I had been told it was heart-shaped. She explained it to me like it was just the coolest thing, and then proceeded to tell me that the embryo is implanted on the left side. During the u/s, we only saw a gestational sac-no yolk sac or fetal pole. Diagnosis was a possible blighted ovum. Could it be that it's just too early or is there some difficulty in seeing these things when you have a misshapen uterus? My doctor told me she believe I have a blighted ovum and will miscarry before my next appoint (in two days). I started spotting (dark brown) the morning before I went into her office, I went to the ER to be told that the didn't see any blood and that everything looked and felt good and I was not miscarrying. I told my OB that I also thought I possibly had a kidney infection (something I endured the entire length of my first pregnancy) and she scheduled me for a renal u/s. (no blockage or stone). On Friday afternoon I started spotting some more. There was very little to no bleeding on a pad and it only happened when I would squat or bend...I know that with my oldest I had what I thought was a period the first 4-5 months I was pregnant. I have read some forums that say it's common for the "non-pregnant" side of your uterus to still try to have a period until it gets the message?? Could this be true?? It would explain what happened with my son...I'm still bleeding, but it's only when I'm urinating and my doctor has called me in antibiotics for a kidney infection...Now I'm just in a waiting game.
I wouldn't think that any of the issues you described were related to the bicornuate uterus. I had a bit of bleeding around 5 weeks with DD1, but nothing with DD2. My understanding is that there is a risk of PTL due to baby running out of room, as well as more need for c-section since baby is more likely to be breech. I've heard conflicting stories on whether or not there is increased risk for miscarriage. Hope that helps!
It might have been a little early to see anything at the 5-7 week mark give or take the few weeks that it could be off by. I had no idea I had a heart shaped uterus until after my c-section. My doc explained that there were three types of heart shaped uterus and that it sometimes causes difficulty when giving birth but that it wasn't resposible for misscarriages or bleeding of that nature. It did cause me to retain quite a bit of fluid on one side (LO on the other side) It made my stomach alot more tender and was extra weight. They had to keep an eye on how much fluid was there, but beyond that it went pretty smoothly. I could see LO at the 7 1/2 week mark.
I have a unicornuate uterus and had a c section 4 weeks ago. I labored for 30 hours and attempted a vaginal delivery b/c LO was head down. It seemed like a good idea at the time but if i knew then what I know now, I would have scheduled a c-section instead of laboring for that long. It was a long and exhausting labor and by the time I had the c section I was practically begging for it. LO would not pass thru my pelvic bone. Not sure if it was my abnormal uterus that wasnt cooperating or if my hips were just too small. Even tho LO was only 4.5lbs my OB seems to think it was a combination of both. Next time I give birth, I am scheduling a c/s.
I did not find out i had a heartshaped uterus until my unplanned c section. and it wasnt even my doctor that told me. after a very long 30 hours of labor and 5 hours of pushing, my on call doc decided to give me a c-section. as i was in the recovering area, my mom or someone (i was so drugged up) let me know that the doc had told her i had a heartshaped uterus. i was like "HUH?" my on call doc actually never even told me or talked to me about it. it wasnt until a while later my ob came in to check on me and i asked her about it. she was like oh yes, bla bla bla. she didnt ever see in it on an ultra sound.
i then later asked her questions. such as is this what caused my c-section, she didnt know. is this a reason for concern? she said no. is there a higher risk of miscarriage, seh said no. the only thing she said that is more common with this is early delivery and breech baby. which i went 42 weeks and he was head down. he did weight 9lbs and was 22 inches long. i hope his helps a little.
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I was lucky enough to find out about my bicornuate uterus around the same time I met my DH, ironically enough. DD1 was conceived without any problems, carried to term in the right horn, dropped into head-down, face-up position on her own, but then after induced labor stalled, was delivered via C-section. I've never been sure how much of this may have been due to induction, which I would not have done in retrospect, and how much due to any other factors. My OB now participated in a study of Mullerian anomaly patients (bicornuate, septate, unicornuate, etc.) and says it's not uncommon for labor to stall in these situations because the weird shape of the uterus makes it harder for contractions to be productive. Hmm. We conceived baby #2 in the left horn and lost the pregnancy (at one point it looked like there may have been a twin that vanished from the right horn as well.) No problems conceiving again and I'm now at 36w2d, again in the right horn. DD2 is lying breech/transverse, so will almost certainly be another C-section unless I can convince my high-risk specialist to turn her this week. But my fluid levels have been low, so my regular OB isn't sure they'll be willing to try. REALLY wanted to attempt a VBAC with this one but if she isn't willing to cooperate, trying to reconcile myself to the C. I have a few other complications this time around, though - I just turned 35 and I have GD with this baby - so it's looking more and more like another C.
Re: C-Section because of bicornuate uterus
I wouldn't think that any of the issues you described were related to the bicornuate uterus. I had a bit of bleeding around 5 weeks with DD1, but nothing with DD2. My understanding is that there is a risk of PTL due to baby running out of room, as well as more need for c-section since baby is more likely to be breech. I've heard conflicting stories on whether or not there is increased risk for miscarriage. Hope that helps!
It might have been a little early to see anything at the 5-7 week mark give or take the few weeks that it could be off by. I had no idea I had a heart shaped uterus until after my c-section. My doc explained that there were three types of heart shaped uterus and that it sometimes causes difficulty when giving birth but that it wasn't resposible for misscarriages or bleeding of that nature. It did cause me to retain quite a bit of fluid on one side (LO on the other side) It made my stomach alot more tender and was extra weight. They had to keep an eye on how much fluid was there, but beyond that it went pretty smoothly. I could see LO at the 7 1/2 week mark.
Hi Kelly
I have a unicornuate uterus and had a c section 4 weeks ago. I labored for 30 hours and attempted a vaginal delivery b/c LO was head down. It seemed like a good idea at the time but if i knew then what I know now, I would have scheduled a c-section instead of laboring for that long. It was a long and exhausting labor and by the time I had the c section I was practically begging for it. LO would not pass thru my pelvic bone. Not sure if it was my abnormal uterus that wasnt cooperating or if my hips were just too small. Even tho LO was only 4.5lbs my OB seems to think it was a combination of both. Next time I give birth, I am scheduling a c/s.
Good luck!
I did not find out i had a heartshaped uterus until my unplanned c section. and it wasnt even my doctor that told me. after a very long 30 hours of labor and 5 hours of pushing, my on call doc decided to give me a c-section. as i was in the recovering area, my mom or someone (i was so drugged up) let me know that the doc had told her i had a heartshaped uterus. i was like "HUH?" my on call doc actually never even told me or talked to me about it. it wasnt until a while later my ob came in to check on me and i asked her about it. she was like oh yes, bla bla bla. she didnt ever see in it on an ultra sound.
i then later asked her questions. such as is this what caused my c-section, she didnt know. is this a reason for concern? she said no. is there a higher risk of miscarriage, seh said no. the only thing she said that is more common with this is early delivery and breech baby. which i went 42 weeks and he was head down. he did weight 9lbs and was 22 inches long. i hope his helps a little.