If it's not immediate family I can go the non-black route, right? I have only on pair of black pants that fit me right now- so should I wear them to the funeral or to the wake? The other pants I was planning on wearing aredark khaki wide leg trouser pants.
Re: Funeral Attire Help
I have noticed at the last wake I went to that people were steering clear from the black route. They were still wearing darker colors, but not a lot of black. I would probably wear the darker khakis to the wake and the black pants to the funeral.
I'm so sorry again.
I think the most important thing is that you're there to show your respect. I'd *try* to stay with dark colors - maybe a black or navy sweater with the khaki if need be? But if it were me, I'd wear the black to the funeral, and something black on top for the wake, if possible..
Hope that helps?
Sorry for the loss..
Are these too light? I will wear a black wrap sweater with it.
Mum to Owen and Lucas