
Baby's First Appointment Day's After C-Section...

I met with a pediatrician today and they told me that they like to see you immediately after. My c-section is scheduled for June 27th and his first appointment is scheduled for the following Monday on July 2nd. My husband just assumed I wasn't going and said, "I guess it'll be my Mom and I." am I wrong to think he's absolutely insane to think I would miss the babies first appointment?! Do you think it'll be that big of a deal??? You think I told the guy I was running a ten mile run!!! I know he's just concerned...but no one could keep me from that appointment!! Thoughts?
Late twin loss at 19 weeks on September 24, 2010. Lincoln Perry, my rainbow baby, born June 15, 2012. You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Psalms 139:13 Baby Birthday  Ticker Ticker

Re: Baby's First Appointment Day's After C-Section...

  • You should be able to go just dont carry the carseat. I was still in pain but it was okay. Do you have the option of having the dr. come to the hospital during your stay?
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  • imageHeiferBaby:
    You should be able to go just dont carry the carseat. I was still in pain but it was okay. Do you have the option of having the dr. come to the hospital during your stay?

    I don't, I'm having the baby in a different city and the practice doesn't travel. I live in a small town so the options are few :(

    Late twin loss at 19 weeks on September 24, 2010. Lincoln Perry, my rainbow baby, born June 15, 2012. You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Psalms 139:13 Baby Birthday  Ticker Ticker
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  • imageHeiferBaby:
    You should be able to go just dont carry the carseat. I was still in pain but it was okay. Do you have the option of having the dr. come to the hospital during your stay?

    I agree. We had to take DS to the pediatrician the day after we got home from the hospital, so it was 5 days after the c-section. I was moving a little bit slow but nothing too bad. Definitely have your husband carry the baby. 

  • skioskio member
    I never missed any of DD's appointments. You'll be fine. 
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  • Definitely go to the appointment!  In my experience, half the questions were about my breastfeeding habits - my DH and MIL couldn't have answered them if they tried!  Just leave with a LOT of time to shuffle from the car to the pedi office. 


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  • cltk12cltk12 member
    You for sure should go as pp said most questions will be about feeding and mostly youll be able to answer. Our appt was the day after we got home. DH drove and carried the car seat/baby. He also dropped me off at the front door for less walking for me.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I went to all of my DDs appts. Just don't carry the car seat. I did fine 
  • Thanks ladies!!


    Late twin loss at 19 weeks on September 24, 2010. Lincoln Perry, my rainbow baby, born June 15, 2012. You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Psalms 139:13 Baby Birthday  Ticker Ticker
  • You will be fine! I had twins and my mother and I took the babies and I carried one of the carseats! I was finr though! I recovered great!
  • I had c/s with both my boys and will this time. I went to their frist appts which were the day after I got out of the hospital. With ds2, dh dropped me and the baby off at the pedi while he went to chickfila with ds1. I just put the infant carrier on our stroller to get into the office. This time my c/s on 6/22 and I'm sure the pedi will want to see ds3 on wednesday 6/27 (our pedi doens't work on tuesdays). I will be taking him
    BFP 12/23/07, M/C 1/25/08 Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • We took the twins the day after we got home. I still went... we just used the stroller to transport the seats. We also had to walk about a block since we live just down the street from the office. We allowed extra time and just took it easy.
  • You will be fine to go, just don't lift the carseat.  I wouldn't want to miss the first appointment either.
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  • I'm lucky. A nurse came to our house to check Ro for the first appointment-just weight and vitals for Ro and BP and incision check for me-it was quick. Her first real pedi appointment was right around 2 weeks and DH and I both went. 
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  • Lo's first appointment was the day after we came home from the hospital.
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  • You can absolutely go. I went when DS was 5 days old and I was recovering from a CS and internal trauma from a ruptured uterus. Yes, I moved slow and probably looked like death warmed over but it was fine. DH carried the baby and the diaper bag.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I came home on a Thursday and we had a mother baby appt on Friday. It was for both of us but I'd imagine if it wasn't ok for me to go then the appt would not have included me? It was with a nurse/ lc for weight check, etc.  Then on the following Monday she saw her pedi for a 1 week appt. 

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I had a c-section on Monday and was able to go to LO first appt that Friday along with DH.  My only question is will you be discharged from the hospital in time for the appt?  I ask because I wasn't discharged until Thursday (req'd length of stay) and you're going into a weekend if your stay is the same length as mine.
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  • jb2rnjb2rn member

    You will be fine!

    I delivered on Sun eve and went home Wed afternoon. I was tired, but attending an MD appt would be no big deal.

    b/w=FSH 15.6, AMH 0.4 surprise natural BFP on 3/12/11
    DS born via unplanned C-section at 40w6d


  • nealblnealbl member
    I went to LO's first appt and my follow up appt with LO by myself. You are not suppose to lift the baby in carseat but I recovered fine and was able to do all of that. I am not saying you should go by yourself that was probably not the best of idea on my part. However you should be ok to go with your DH
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  • imageesd:

    Like PP said, just have DH carry the carseat and drive. You'll be fine.  

    This exactly. Have someone else carry the carseat and you'll be fine.

    If you had to go on your own (like if DH was unable to go or something), you could leave the carseat in the car and just carry baby to the appointment.

  • I am four days post c section and we went to his appt today no problem. We also went to target today and i just walked slower than usual.
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