Baby Names

Does Evan sound trendy?

When you hear this name, does it sound trendy? To me, Ethan and Owen are becoming really trendy and I am trying to pick a name that is more classic. Other names that I love, but can't use are William, Benjamin, Elliot, Matthew...

Does Evan fit with these more "classic" names, or do you consider it to be trendy? I may be over thinking it, but, it's hard to remember my first impressions of this name since I've been obsessing over baby names for 7 months!


Re: Does Evan sound trendy?

  • Reyka9Reyka9 member
    I'm not really sure where it fits.  To me it sounds a bit dated, only because there were many Evans in the class the year ahead of me when I was in grammar school.
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  • kmplskmpls member
    I don't think it's trendy but is certainly more popular now than in the past.
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  • I'm with Reyka... I wouldn't call it trendy, but I wouldn't really call it a classic either...for some reason it DOES feel kind of 90's, even though it's more popular now than it has been in a long time.

    I'm feeling very conflicted about Evan and it's confusing for me. 


  • I don't think it's trendy; in fact, I don't think I know a single kid (or mom who's used that name) named Evan.  I like it a lot, but I don't think it's in either category.
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  • I don't know if I would call it trendy either, but it is incredibly popular right now where I live. I know 6!!! Evan's 2 and under. It was actually the other name we had picked out of Ian, and I am sure glad we didn't use it just for that reason.
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  • I think it's a little trendy sounding...but not nearly as bad as Aiden, Jackson etc.

  • I'd call Evan a "modern classic" ? that is, a name that was fairly rare before the 1970s, but has gone mainstream in the past few decades. Other names like this would be Kyle or Ryan ? names that are popular among boys of our generation. They aren't modern in the way that Kayden and Kaylee are because they were established names for a long time, just not in popular use by English-speaking Americans.

    Evan's a bit different because it is still trending up (very slowly), while Kyle and Ryan have peaked and are on the way down. Evan's been in the top 100 since 1983, creeping up into the low 40s and high 30s in the past few years. To me, that slow growth doesn't read as trendy, but as "modern classic."

  • Based solely on this graph of popularity, I would say it's probably considered trendy:




    ETA - I think I agree with pp though - "modern classic" might be accurate.

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  • Evan is becoming more popular b/c it's a great name. I don't really consider it trendy, but it does fit within several existing trends -- starts with a vowel, ends in "n," has a "v" in it, and sounds/looks like a male version of the uber popular Ava and Eva. I would've used it in a heartbeat if it wasn't my cousin's name.
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  • imageplunderb:

    I'd call Evan a "modern classic" ? that is, a name that was fairly rare before the 1970s, but has gone mainstream in the past few decades. Other names like this would be Kyle or Ryan ? names that are popular among boys of our generation. They aren't modern in the way that Kayden and Kaylee are because they were established names for a long time, just not in popular use by English-speaking Americans.

    Evan's a bit different because it is still trending up (very slowly), while Kyle and Ryan have peaked and are on the way down. Evan's been in the top 100 since 1983, creeping up into the low 40s and high 30s in the past few years. To me, that slow growth doesn't read as trendy, but as "modern classic."

    well done Plunderb. This sums it up nicely.

  • I would put Evan in the same category as Ethan, Owen and Mason. Like Hannah I think 90s because that is when they first started to pick up momentum in popularity (it seems).

    I wouldn't consider it "classic" but it is a good name.


  • imagekmpls:
    I don't think it's trendy but is certainly more popular now than in the past.


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  • We are going to use Evan if we have a boy, so I've thought about this too.  I don't think it is trendy, but definitely more popular (though it wasn't in the top 40 in my state last year) than in the past.  I REALLY wanted a classic name (H didn't) so this one got to me.  But, after I read the meaning, I was sold.  It first had to grow on me, but now I'm loving it.
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  • Hmm...

    While I agree with the "modern classic" assessment, unfortunately, Evan does *feel* trendy to me in a similar way that Owen does. I know so many little Owens and Evans 10 and under (including a newborn on the way) and yes, the names do fit neatly into several trends even if the name has some classic elements to it. Or to put it another way, Evan does sound dated to me even though the climb has been slower compared to say, Mason.

    That said, it's not a name I'd avoid if I loved it... it's a legit, perfectly nice name. But if you want to avoid that "trendy feel", you may want to nix this one and find a name that is not 2-syllables-ending-with-n-trending-upwards-similar-to-female-trends-like-Eve.

  • I really like Evan.  It is more on the classic side to me, rather than trendy.
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  • This is my son's name, so I love it! I only know 2 other Evans. One is 16, and one is 10. My DS is 5. 

    I picked it because I had a missed m/c prior to him and got pg the following month. When I saw the meaning ("God is good") it sealed it for me. :) 

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  • I like the name Evan, its strong, and does not sound like a  trendy, made-up name.  It's more classic sounding than Mason.  I live in a big city with lots of family and friends having babies the past few years and do not know one Evan or Owen under the age of 30, so it may depend on where you are located.  FYI, Evan and Owen (one of my favorites) are ranked in the 40s... Mason was ranked # 2 last year and does not sound classic at all, but one of those trendy names that go along with Aidan, Brayden, etc. IMO
  • I don't think it's trendy at all, but it's not classic either. It's like Tyler or Ryan. It's a nice, normal name. I really like it.

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