Weeks: 23! This is seriously flying by. When I think that DS was 2 weeks early, and that means in 15 weeks we could have a baby, I cannot imagine it. I love being pregnant and have been so busy lately that I really, really, haven't stopped to think about the fact that WE WILL HAVE A NEWBORN in a few months! It's going to change everything.
Recent appointments/updates: Had our a/s a few weeks ago, and everything is great. Still Team Green and enjoying the anticipation.
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? I do really like my practice, but we're switching due to changing insurance. I found another Dr. that was highly recommended by some local friends, and it's a woman (current is a man), which is a plus to me.
Happy weekend! ...back to potty training DS for me. Eeeep.
Hey! I guess I haven't participated much in these, but I'm happy to announce that I'm 24 weeks! Let's hear it for V-Day!
I adore my OB. He really is one of the sweetest men I know. I was talking to my L&D nurse from last time (she moved in around the corner 3 days after DD was born) and she said to me "You chose the doctor with the BIGGEST hands, but the best bedside manner." I'll take beside manner any day. Much better than the B of a doctor who delivered DD.
For now, I'm off! Time to go get my Zumba on! Happy weekend, Ladies!
I am 25 weeks today. I had an appointment this week, and all is well so fr. I have pre-existing high blood pressure that is treated and fine right now, but I'm at a higher risk for preeclampsia. Therefore this weekend I have to do a 24 hour urine collection and I am not looking forward to it. I am happy with my Midwife and midwife group so far.
Recent appointments/updates: just had diabetes test this morning this new Dr sends you to a lab- so prob wont know results till Tues
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? I hate this new ob..being high risk he does nothing other then read the high risk dr's report.. he sends you out for all u/s and blood work (more appointments for someone who works full time).. I actually already have an appointment for July 11 with my orginal OB..as my insurance is changing again in July- so i can go back to the OBGYN i had since high school
Weeks: 24 V-day baby! I am really excited about that!
Recent appointments/updates:I just had my 24 week check up and baby is going great 150 bpm and I'm measuring large at the moment. I'm measuring 27 weeks and while I realize that's not always accurate, I wouldn't be surprised if this LO was early like DD.
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? I love my OB she's so sweet and gentle. She was amazing last time and I'm happy to have her again.
Recent appointments/updates: I passed my first glucose test (dr wants one at 20 and 28 weeks because DS was a big baby, even though I didn't have it last time). I had a pap at my last appointment too and it is stable but I will still have to have a LEEP procedure after baby is born.
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB. So far so good. I loved my OB in TX that delivered DS so this OB has a lot to live up to. He has been great so far and he agreed with me in our name debate, so he gets extra bonus points!
Recent appointments/updates: Passed the 1 hr Glucose test last week, next appt is in 3 weeks, then I start going every 2 weeks. Wow that was that fast.
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? - very! The office I go to is great.
Weeks: 24 and the size of a cantaloupe supposedly. Less than 4 months to go... wow...
Recent appointments/updates: I haven't had an appointment since 21 weeks. My next one is next Friday at 25 weeks. Everything's been pretty good so far, though. I just have really bad sciatic pain - at least that's what everyone is telling me it is. Pain in my butt/hip/leg area.
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? I like the practice that I go to. I rotate through the OBs, and they are all really great. Of course I have a preference here and there, but I'm happy with anyone and I don't think I'll mind whoever ends up delivering.
Recent appointments/updates: Next appointment will be June 13th... I have my glucose test, an ultrasound, and a regular appointment all in one. The ultrasound is to check if my placenta moved up or not (found placenta previa during the AS). Soo... fingers crossed for a great appointment!
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? Yes. I have had healthy, normal pregnancies for the most part so far, so no issues. I do have to rotate between three doctors and when I deliver I get whoever is on call. I like the one that was there for my DD's birth the best, so hopefully I'll get her again! She was great about my plan for natural births. Not sure how the other two would be during delivery, so that's what scares me about not getting my #1 choice.
No appt updates, but I'm loving the movement and kicks. I'm not an outwardly sentimental person, but gahhhhh I'm so in love with this little girl already! So far I've managed to only let my sappiness seep onto my H and little sister. I just can't contain it!
I love my OBs, I've seen 2 of 3 and am very happy! The friendly receptionist and office personnel are really the face of the practice - and they are lovely!
26 weeks here. I can't believe how fast it is going.
I see my dr on Wednesday and go for the GD test in two weeks.
Pin my area, you see your regular dr until 28 weeks and switch to ob clinic where you rotate three different doctors. My regular dr used to do ob, but is semi retired. So now I see three others soon. One delivered DD, one I can't stand and I like the other.
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Recent appointments/updates: No recent ones. I have one coming up on the 21st though. So far, so good with everything!
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? Being military I see a different doc every time. So far I only like one of them, and he's leaving soon. That makes me a sad panda.
Weeks: 23 weeks! Just like y'all are saying, the time is flying by!!
Recent appointments/updates: Had a/s 2 1/2 weeks ago, confirmed it's a girl! I'm feeling her kick all the time now and loving it!
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? I love my OB, very knowledgeable and patient. He has been very proactive given my previous miscarriages.
Weeks: 25 weeks down, 15 to Go!? How did that happen so fast?
Recent appointments/updates: Ugh 2 hr GTT test next week to hopefully rule out gestational diabetes, tDap on list to get too, waiting on GP approval to go in this month. I have a reg. OB appt in a week and a half, but my OB is on vacation and I will have to see an alternate she has pulled into her practice to cover this one time.
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? Very much so! My OB is the only one in her practice, and I love it! I would not like seeing many different docs/ nurses for something like pregnancy. It is far too personal in nature to have to go over many things multiple times (not that I wouldn't if I had to, but communication can be lacking when you have more than 1 doc/ nurse).
BFP#1 - ended in m/c June 2011 BFP#2 - 1/5/12, edd 9/14/12
Weeks: 26! Can't believe how fast time is flying...
Recent appointments/updates: Nothing really, had my last appointment at 24 weeks, my next one (with my GD test) is at 28 weeks. I'm loving feeling all of this LO's movement.
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? Yes, I love my OB. She delivered DS, too.
Recent appointments/updates: Had an u/s today to follow up on a fetal cyst found during his heart echo. It's still there, but not getting any bigger, so that was a relief. Not sure what happens from here. Waiting to hear from my OB.
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? LOVE my OB practice. They are awesome.
Recent appointments/updates: Met with my OB last week, everything is great. I'll see her at the end of June in a new office that she is moving too. GD test at that appt. too! Lucky me.
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? For the most part, I'm happy. I had to switch since my old OB stopped delivering babies soon after DS was born. She's a working mom with a husband who is also an OB, so she just went down to doing the gyno stuff. Apparently, she's really happy with cutting back. I've only heard great things about my new OB. She seems nice, quiet and a little conservative, but that could be because she is fairly new. She's moving to a new office next week and it's a little more out of the way, which sort of sucks. And last week at my appt, she commented about weight gain. Gah! That's the last thing a pregnant woman wants to hear about.
Re: Friday Ticker Change
Hey! I guess I haven't participated much in these, but I'm happy to announce that I'm 24 weeks! Let's hear it for V-Day!
I adore my OB. He really is one of the sweetest men I know. I was talking to my L&D nurse from last time (she moved in around the corner 3 days after DD was born) and she said to me "You chose the doctor with the BIGGEST hands, but the best bedside manner." I'll take beside manner any day. Much better than the B of a doctor who delivered DD.
For now, I'm off! Time to go get my Zumba on! Happy weekend, Ladies!
26 weeks
Hady 26 week appointment and GD test yesterday. Next appt in three weeks .
Headed to NJ for the weekend
Weeks: end of 26
Recent appointments/updates: just had diabetes test this morning this new Dr sends you to a lab- so prob wont know results till Tues
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? I hate this new ob..being high risk he does nothing other then read the high risk dr's report.. he sends you out for all u/s and blood work (more appointments for someone who works full time).. I actually already have an appointment for July 11 with my orginal OB..as my insurance is changing again in July- so i can go back to the OBGYN i had since high school
I will post today since I won't be around tomorrow.
Weeks: 24! Yay V-day!
Recent appointments/updates: I have an appt. next Wednesday, just a checkup
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? I love my OBs, they're wonderful!
Weeks: 24 V-day baby! I am really excited about that!
Recent appointments/updates:I just had my 24 week check up and baby is going great 150 bpm and I'm measuring large at the moment. I'm measuring 27 weeks and while I realize that's not always accurate, I wouldn't be surprised if this LO was early like DD.
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? I love my OB she's so sweet and gentle. She was amazing last time and I'm happy to have her again.
23 weeks!
Recent appointments/updates: I passed my first glucose test (dr wants one at 20 and 28 weeks because DS was a big baby, even though I didn't have it last time). I had a pap at my last appointment too and it is stable but I will still have to have a LEEP procedure after baby is born.
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB. So far so good. I loved my OB in TX that delivered DS so this OB has a lot to live up to. He has been great so far and he agreed with me in our name debate, so he gets extra bonus points!
Weeks: 25
Recent appointments/updates: Passed the 1 hr Glucose test last week, next appt is in 3 weeks, then I start going every 2 weeks. Wow that was that fast.
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? - very! The office I go to is great.
Have a nice weekend everyone.
Weeks: 24 and the size of a cantaloupe supposedly. Less than 4 months to go... wow...
Recent appointments/updates: I haven't had an appointment since 21 weeks. My next one is next Friday at 25 weeks. Everything's been pretty good so far, though. I just have really bad sciatic pain - at least that's what everyone is telling me it is. Pain in my butt/hip/leg area.
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? I like the practice that I go to. I rotate through the OBs, and they are all really great. Of course I have a preference here and there, but I'm happy with anyone and I don't think I'll mind whoever ends up delivering.Weeks: 24 weeks V-DAY!!!
Recent appointments/updates: Just the normal check-ups. I have my 1 hour glucose test at the end of June
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my OB!
Weeks: 26 today!
Recent appointments/updates: Next appointment will be June 13th... I have my glucose test, an ultrasound, and a regular appointment all in one. The ultrasound is to check if my placenta moved up or not (found placenta previa during the AS). Soo... fingers crossed for a great appointment!
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? Yes. I have had healthy, normal pregnancies for the most part so far, so no issues. I do have to rotate between three doctors and when I deliver I get whoever is on call. I like the one that was there for my DD's birth the best, so hopefully I'll get her again! She was great about my plan for natural births. Not sure how the other two would be during delivery, so that's what scares me about not getting my #1 choice.
Happy weekend!
24 weeks (yayyyyy!)
No appt updates, but I'm loving the movement and kicks.
I'm not an outwardly sentimental person, but gahhhhh I'm so in love with this little girl already! So far I've managed to only let my sappiness seep onto my H and little sister. I just can't contain it!
I love my OBs, I've seen 2 of 3 and am very happy! The friendly receptionist and office personnel are really the face of the practice - and they are lovely!
26 weeks here. I can't believe how fast it is going.
I see my dr on Wednesday and go for the GD test in two weeks.
Pin my area, you see your regular dr until 28 weeks and switch to ob clinic where you rotate three different doctors. My regular dr used to do ob, but is semi retired. So now I see three others soon. One delivered DD, one I can't stand and I like the other.
Weeks: 26 weeks
Recent appointments/updates: Had my 24 week appointment and all is well!!
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? I just switched doctors and I love my OB!!
Weeks: 25 weeks today!
Recent appointments/updates: No recent ones. I have one coming up on the 21st though. So far, so good with everything!
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? Being military I see a different doc every time. So far I only like one of them, and he's leaving soon. That makes me a sad panda.
Weeks: 23 weeks! Just like y'all are saying, the time is flying by!!
Recent appointments/updates: Had a/s 2 1/2 weeks ago, confirmed it's a girl! I'm feeling her kick all the time now and loving it!
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? I love my OB, very knowledgeable and patient. He has been very proactive given my previous miscarriages.
Weeks: 25 weeks down, 15 to Go!? How did that happen so fast?
Recent appointments/updates: Ugh 2 hr GTT test next week to hopefully rule out gestational diabetes, tDap on list to get too, waiting on GP approval to go in this month. I have a reg. OB appt in a week and a half, but my OB is on vacation and I will have to see an alternate she has pulled into her practice to cover this one time.
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? Very much so! My OB is the only one in her practice, and I love it! I would not like seeing many different docs/ nurses for something like pregnancy. It is far too personal in nature to have to go over many things multiple times (not that I wouldn't if I had to, but communication can be lacking when you have more than 1 doc/ nurse).
BFP#1 - ended in m/c June 2011
BFP#2 - 1/5/12, edd 9/14/12
Weeks: 26! Can't believe how fast time is flying...
Recent appointments/updates: Nothing really, had my last appointment at 24 weeks, my next one (with my GD test) is at 28 weeks. I'm loving feeling all of this LO's movement.
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? Yes, I love my OB. She delivered DS, too.
Weeks: 25
Recent appointments/updates: Had an u/s today to follow up on a fetal cyst found during his heart echo. It's still there, but not getting any bigger, so that was a relief. Not sure what happens from here. Waiting to hear from my OB.
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? LOVE my OB practice. They are awesome.
Have a great weekend!Recent appointments/updates:appt. next week. I am excited for all the movement and have started practicing hypnobirithing.
GTKY: Are you happy with your OB/midwife/what have you? yes, love my OB.