My DH and I are about to be married for a year in July. We have discussed our current jobs and financial situation as well as taken into consideration the amount of time that my husband wants us to be "just the two of us," and have decided that we will start TTC in May 2013. But... what the heck do I do in the meantime???
We can't afford to get pregnant with a baby right now so that's not an option. (1) We have to wait until October when I can adjust my health insurance policy to a more multi-doctor visits/pre-natal friendly plan and (2) we are currently anxiously awaiting the possibility of a new job for my DH (more money, more stability, more security - all good things). I have to also respect my husband's desire for time just the two of us as I recognize how important it is for us and especially to him.
But... I'm on here, reading and relating to stories and trying to become a part of this community... looking at baby stuff and creating wish lists... going through the baby clothes that I have already bought and gotten as hand-me-downs... Reading What to Expect Before You're Expecting and all kinds of other baby-related information...
Are there other bumpies that are in my same boat? I'm excited that our trying schedule has been established but it's not like I get to share that in conversation when other women talk about getting pregnant or babies... If anyone else has scheduled out into the future when they are going to TTC, it would be great if we can be in touch... and hopefully share in each other's happiness at the future's positive pregnancy tests.
Re: Waiting to start TTC... What the heck do I do in the meantime?
Spending time on a baby boad when you are not ready to have a baby can drive you batty.
My advice is find a hobby that doesn't center around babies
A kiss he will never forget- Disney World 2014
This is great advice and starting to chart now would make things easier when you start TTC.
I know exactly how you feel! We will have been married 1 year in October and want to start TTC in October. A few weeks ago I had my yearly at the Gyno and talked about what to do until then because I was feeling crazy, too!
We set a goal to pay off debt and save a certain amount in our "Baby Fund" before we actively start trying. I started taking Prenatals to prepare my body and will go off the BCP in August to get my cycles back to normal.
I understand how it's hard to wait, and is it just me or is everyone around pregnant right now?! Which doesn't help. My BIL and his young wife just had a baby and they don't know what the hell they're doing, which makes me feel better about my hubby and I planning, as it sounds like you are, to do it a better way -- more prepared and with more love.
Practicing never hurts.
My hubby loves that. And enjoying things that will be long lost after a baby has graced your world -- peaceful sleep, being able to go to a concert or to the beach on a whim, traveling light, and only having to worry about yourself and DH, etc.
Why not start a "Baby Fund" savings account, or even a change jar? Everyone keeps telling me, "You'll never be financially prepared for a child." Well you know what? I'll be more prepared than if I didn't have money saved! And that's a good feeling.
Its hard, but you have to just think about the positive in waiting and by the time you are both ready you'll be so prepared!
Good luck, I wish you the best.
Brevity is your friend. This post did not require 7 paragraphs. YWIA.
I did feel similar. Then my SIL and her daughter moved in for 5 Loooooong days. I never realized how much I enjoy being alone and quiet when I didn't have that. It gave me a reality check and my H and I decided to really enjoy our time together until we were going to TTC.
We went away for the past weekend because we felt like it, we went ziplining for fun, we get drunk on a Tuesday (or any other day of the week). We sleep in as much as we can. We go to concerts, we do home renovations (and can leave tools around since we don't have to worry about a kid getting into it) we drop everything and take off in our boat.
I am still very excited to be a parent one day, but until that day I'm enjoying every selfish second I can.