High-Risk Pregnancy

Factor V question (and intro--long)

Hello! I tested positive 5 years ago for Factor V Hetero (due to family history) and am now almost 13 weeks pregnant. Per my OB, I've been taking baby aspirin since well before I got my BFP. He did not seem concerned because I'm only hetero and I have not had any clotting issues in the past.

Just yesterday I was referred to a specialist in fetal and internal medicine and labeled "high risk." My OB said they just wanted to make sure that this doctor was comfortable with my course of treatment (only baby aspirin as of now).

My question is about what to expect at this appointment with the specialist. More blood work? Ultrasound? Immediate prescription for injects?

Sorry if this question gets asked a lot; I did a search and couldn't find anything recent. TIA for any input!

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Re: Factor V question (and intro--long)

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    I have FVL as well and have had 3 miscarriages, this pregnancy I pushed for the lovenox, when though the doctor's say it might not help. The last pregnancy I took baby aspirin but it didn't work, so now I am hoping for the best with the injections. The good thing about all this is all the extra ultrasounds to make sure everything is on track.
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    I got diagnosed after 3 losses and was referred to a RE doctor. When I got my BFP a few weeks ago after my second confirmation beta I was put on lovanox (40mg) 1x a day. I have to go see a specialist within my first trimester so they can put me on a plan for the rest of the pregnancy. I do take low dose asprin too everyday.

    I didn't have more blood work besides I have to do CBC blood work I think every 4 weeks to make sure its good to continue my shots. They doctor might do that to see what your levels are so they can prescribe you the correct dosage if they are going to put you on the shots.

    Married Since 05/14/11 BFP #1- 5/30/10 HB 6/12/10-Its twins MC-6/21/2010 CP July 2011 BFP #3-1/5/12 EDD- 9/11/12 MC- 1/17/2012 diagnosed with FVL 3/30/12 BFP #4-05/21/12- EDD 01/29/13 Our rainbow girl Cameron Rae born 1/8/13 @ 5lbs10oz 19inches long. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I have FV hetero also and was placed on baby aspirin through my whole pregnancy and was considered high risk. My son is now 9 months old. I never had any complications and was on lovenox for a month after he was born due to my c-section.

    At my specialist appointment they did an ultrasound and bloodwork and went over my family history. I had no miscarriages but it did take a long time to conceive, I remember being worried the whole pregnancy but everything turned out fine! Good Luck!!

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    I've had 3 babies with no problems at all. I didn't find out I have Factor V until after I already had my first and declined the lovenox and aspirin with my next 2. I am 9 wks 3 days and just started taking the baby aspirin today, i didn't want to push my luck and chance it again with this last baby.

    Usually at the the specialist, they just do an ultrasound and measure the baby and make sure everything looks like it should. I've never done bloodwork at the specialist...this time i will just bc they are doing some new first trimester screening test now that is optional, but they do blood work and an ultrasound for it. The specialist might recommend that you do the injections, but it's up to you, they will usually push for it, but you can push back if you don't think it's necessary. 

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