

Me: 37 DH: 40 TTC since 9/09
#1 BFP 1/10/11; missed m/c discovered 7w5d
IF Dx: Endo, hetero MTHFR mutation, poor morphology
#1 IUI: 1/18/12 = BFN
#1 IVF/ICSI 4/2/12 = 2 x 7-cell and 1 x 5-cell transferred (3dt) = BFP!!
H was born at 41w2d on 12/29/12 - be still my heart!
#2 IVF/ICSI 1/19/14 = 2 x 8 cells transferred (3dt) = BFP!! EDD 10/09/14
M&W born at 37 weeks on 9/18/14 - I am the momma of 3 boys!!!

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Re: :::Delino:::

  • delinodelino member
    3 ectopic pregnancies (EDD's 1/30/12-tube removed, 6/2/12-methotrexate and 10/2/12-methotrexate)
    IVF and Natural FET resulted in BFN's and a hole in our wallets
    Natural BFP #4 on 9/7/12 gave us our miracle on 5/18/13
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • ::butting in to say hi to 4legs::
    BFP 2/14/11, missed m/c 9 weeks. d&e 3/24/11
    BFP 12/10/11 d&e at 13wk+4days 2/17/12
    Dx with Balanced Robertsonian Translocation (13;14) moving on to IVF w/ PGD
    IVF #1 (May 2012) 13R, 10F, 5 blasts, ONE NORMAL frozen no transfer
    IVF #2 (July 2012) 17R, 8F, 5  blasts, ONE NORMAL 6dt on 7/12/2012- c/p
    IVF #3 (Sept. 2012) 39R, 25F, 13 blasts,  3 NORMALS! Freeze-all due to high E2.
    FET #1 10/23- 2 expanded blasts, Beta #1 11/1- 113, Beta #2 11/4-351, Beta #3 11/7- 1213
    Hailey Michelle born July 12, 2013

    TTC #2 
    FET -1/14- c/p
    IVF #4 (Feb 2014)- 49R, 28F, 13 blasts, 7 NORMALS! eSET of a normal blast on 2/24/14, 6 frosties.
    Beta #1 3/4/14- 105. Beta #2 3/7/13- 397 EDD-11/11/14. 1st u/s 3/20- 6w2d lil' bean with 120hb. 7w0d- lil bean's hb was 144. Graduated from RE 3/25/14.
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