Cloth Diapering

Does this price sound right?

I found some Tiny Tush OS fitteds on Hyena Cart in GUC for $8 PPD. I thought TT was considered a good brand, so I'm wondering if this price seems too low, like there's something wrong with them. I don't really know what to ask about the condition of fitteds, other than the condition of the snaps and elastic, which she says work great. She says they were purchased used from HC and used them for her son. They look good, they're just boring colors like white and pastels. I'm looking for a good overnight fitted so I don't really care what they look like, should I go for these or keep looking?

*edited to fix spelling in post title

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Re: Does this price sound right?

  • I think TT is usually short for *Twinkie* Tush fitteds... Do you know much about this other brand?
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  • I say go for them.  I had Tiny Tush prefolds, and they were really good quality.  They aren't an expensive brand to begin with, but they are quality made.  For that price, I wouldn't pass it up.  Plus, they redesigned recently, so that probably contributed to the lower price tag. 



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  • Also, here's the link to my local CD store on the Tiny Tush fitteds.  I know Coleen (the owner) personally, since she's my dealer LOL!  She is VERY picky about the diapers she carries, so if she stocks them, I consider them quality. 



  • imageGibsonGirl620:
    I think TT is usually short for *Twinkie* Tush fitteds... Do you know much about this other brand?

    Oohh... Embarrassed

    Stupid abbreviations. lol

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  • imageMegan.10.06:
    I say go for them.  I had Tiny Tush prefolds, and they were really good quality.  They aren't an expensive brand to begin with, but they are quality made.  For that price, I wouldn't pass it up.  Plus, they redesigned recently, so that probably contributed to the lower price tag. 

    I think I'll buy one and try it out then. Thanks : )

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  • I have a Tiny Tush in the mail. :) BUT they have brand new fitteds on their website for $8.50-$10 w free shipping so....I would go that route. And you can search for a 10% off code. I don't think I can share it here.
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