
We are so white trash...

We went to Wally World the other day, and we had the twin stroller in the van.  I was about to take it out and set it up, but DH said we could just get a double cart when we went into the store.  We've got babies on our hips (DS is getting pretty heavy for me) and surprise surprise, no double carts anywhere.  This was DH's ingenious idea...


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Re: We are so white trash...

  • Ha! Cute. I think the question is "How long did they tolerate that much togetherness?" If you got more than 5 min., I'm impressed!
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  • scorchscorch member
    They are so cute.  I almost can't handle it.
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  • Not white trash at all!  We had to do the same thing (because walmart sucks in the double cart department) but I didn't bother to strap them in.  Just kept a close eye on them ;)

    I like how he's looking at her all "hey....can I check that out?" lol

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  • kiwi443kiwi443 member
    I totally plan on doing the same thing when my girls are old enough. Our Walmart doesn't have double carts :(.
    J - 9/6/09 L and A - 1/17/12
  • If you happen to have a Sam's Club next to Walmart (like we do) they DO have double carts.  I've seen many people who go to Sam's, grab a cart, and trek across the parking lot to Wally World LOL
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  • I love it!  Great picture.
    D & R were born at 37w5d.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Aww, thanks :)  They didn't tolerate it for very long.  We put them in there a few minutes before we went to the register, and by the time we got to the van they were done!  Good tip about Sam's Club, but they got rid of the one we had here it town :(
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  • imagesing4mysavior:

    Haha! I'm impressed they both fit! 

    (And it IS wally world--you were probably the most normal-looking people there anyway)  :0)

    My thoughts exactly. :) 

    Twin boys due 7/25/12
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