Pregnant after 35

Saw the boys today

Had a growth scan u/s today. Boys are estimated to be 2.4 lbs and 2.9 lbs at 27 weeks. MFM says they are looking good!  Both are head down at the moment.
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Re: Saw the boys today

  • steverstever member
    Yay! That is great news!
  • Great! And, wow, that's a lot to have in there.  Baby girl over here was estimated at 2 lbs 12 oz last week (hence the GD scare), and overall I'm starting to feel huge.  I can't imagine having almost double that going on!! You're a trooper!
    me - 41 (dx: DOR); DH - 53 (no problems); 7/18/09 - married!; 8/4/09 - BFP on first (real)try; 9/14/09 - missed m/c; 9/15/09 - d&c; 11/09 - 3/10 - 4 natural cycles = BFN; 4/10 - dx hyperthyroidism caused by Graves' disease; 6/10 - thyroidectomy; 7/10 - 12/10 - 1 natural and 5 medicated IUI cycles = BFN; 1/11 - new RE; dx low ovarian reserve (AMH .42; 1/26/11 -- BFP (ectopic) from IUI #6; methotrexate 2/10/11; 6/2/11 - IVF #1 = BFN; 9/12/11 - prescreening for DE; 9/15/11 - IUI #7 (unmedicated)= BFN; 11/8 - begin DE cycle (shared risk program); 12/5 - ER (5 eggs/4 mature/3 fertilized/2 left by day 5) 12/10 - ET of one 1BB blast (expanded, "fair" quality), none to freeze; 12/22 - totally shocked by +hpt; beta #1 = 413; #2 = 3952 2/14 - CVS reveals a healthy baby girl! EDD: 8/27/12 DD born 8/31/12, 10 lbs 10 oz and perfect in every way. 
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  • Congrats!
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