I posted recently regarding possible girl names. As I stated in that post we have decided to TTC in the future...not to near as DS was just born recently. But I enjoyed the feedback and thought I'd throw out some boy names. Unlike the girl names they are not family names, with the exception of the middle name which would be Robert (DH name and also his fathers). Older brother would be Liam Warren. We'd like to stick with Gaelic/Irish/Scottish names. Our last name is two syllables and starts with F.
Duncan --DH really likes. I do too but not really sold on the idea.
Eamonn (aim+an)-- I really like this name
Brendan--I like it but DH thinks it's too close to Brandon, which he finds boring
Enda--It's different but I like the sound of it. Not sure it goes with Robert.
Tadhg (ti+gue)--Varients are Tighe and Teige. This is a guilty pleasure name, but I really love the meaning. The original spelling may be a bit much for the U.S. though. I don't want people to look at his name and be completely lost. But I love the sound and the meaning (poet). I like Teagan...but it's feminine to me.
We prefer these names but of course we are open to suggestions.
Re: Possible Boy Names
I like Duncan and Brendan best and they both sound good with Liam. I think Eamonn sounds nice but it sounds weird with Liam and I think people will say Ay-mon. Enda reminds me of Edna. Tadhg is just too out there. He would have so many issues with people pronouncing/spelling his name. I've heard of Teague which is okay.
My favorites are Eamon (spelled this way- I have never seen it with 2 n's) and Tadhg.
Others you might like:
From your list, Duncan is the only one I like and it goes with Liam.
Teague is a family name for me, it is Irish. It was my great grandmother's maiden name and then various relatives middle name.