Baby Names

beckett or britton?

We are having a hard time naming our second son. Our first is Easton Ryan. We liked it because it was an unusual name but now Easton seems to have gained some popularity. It bums us out a little. It was in the 400s when we chose the name. Now with this one we like Beckett or Britton. My husband likes Beckett more but it also seems to be gaining popularity and that bugs me. Which do you like better out of curiosity? I think Britton is strong, unusual and cook but worry about the nn Brit. Middle names we are considering are Grey, Kole (after my brother) and Crew (my hubby's fave name).
Mommy to: Easton Ryan was born January 9, 2008. 7 lbs., 13 oz and 20" long! Mommy to: A sweet angel who went to heaven. Missed Miscarriage. Diagnosed 7/18/2011, D&C 7/20/2011. Found out at 11 weeks pregnant, baby passed at 8 weeks.

Re: beckett or britton?

  • apc1929apc1929 member

    I feel like I am hearing Beckett a lot lately so would be careful if you don't want something gaining in popularity.   Britton i really dislike for a boy-- I don't love the name in general but def sounds like a girls name to me.   I would like Cole (spelled with a C"  the best

  • I think that Beckett is getting a bit more popular BUT I honestly like the name so much more than Britton. Beckett Gray or Beckett Kole is cute :)
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  • Neither are my style but of the two I would pick Beckett although it is gaining popularity. Britton just seems feminine to me. 

  • Sorry, not too fond of either... Beckett seems like a letter is missing somewhere.  About gaining popularity, i haven't ever hear it before.  Britton is cuter, but nn Brit is too girly. But I love all the MNs.


    edit:  seeing Beckett Kole above together makes me like it much much more.  That's cute. 

  • I really dislike Britton, so my vote goes to Beckett

    Beckett Kole is cute

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  • I would also assume that Britton was a girl.

    I like Beckett and think Beck is a good nn.

    There's also Brennan, Bennett, Bowen, and Bronson. And you can never go wrong with Benjamin.

  • imageJoy2611:

    Britton is a BOY'S name.  For real, peeps.

    I really like Britton much more than Beckett.

    I figured it was, but it sounds girly to me, likely bc of Britt at the start. Hollis and Ellis are always said to be girly as well but they are male names. I just prefer names that have a stronger association I guess.  


  • imageJoy2611:

    Britton is a BOY'S name.  For real, peeps.

    I really like Britton much more than Beckett.

    This!  My FIL is Britton, he goes by Britt most of the time and even though Brit/Brittany is feminine, when it is on a man it just does not seem as feminine to me.  

     With that being said, I do like Beckett better, I think Beck is a really cute nn.

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  • neither. I'd go with Kole or Grey.
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  • Not really a fan of either. I do know one little boy Beckett, and every time I hear his name, I think of the female lead on the TV show "Castle." Her last name is Beckett, and that's what they call her most of the time. So it gives me last name and feminine vibes.

    I would choose Kole from all the names you mentioned, for the sound and family connection.



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  • I don't like Britton so by default I choose Beckett.

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    First Ultrasound at 5w1d showed a miracle UTE baby! And right ovary ovulation to left fallopian tube.

    JD arrived at 38 weeks on October 20, 2015.

    TTC #3: Since October 2017. BFP #6 July 2, 2018 EDD: March 16, 2019 [/spoiler]

  • Beckett
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  • I don't care for either.
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    7 week u/s revealed THREE babies, all with heartbeats.  153bpm, 148bpm, and 136bpm
    9 week u/s revealed loss of Baby B.  A and C are growing on track.  A measuring 9w1d with 172bpm and C measuring 9w0d with 179 bpm.  
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  • Easton and Beckett make a MUCH better sibset than Easton and Britton. I don't like that the latter set both end in "ton."
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  • saham07saham07 member
    Neither are my style but of the two I would pick Beckett although it is gaining popularity. Britton just seems feminine to me. 
    I have to agree with this statement........I know a boy named Britton, and he HATES it when people call him Britt.......but people still do, especially in sports when he does well.
  • imageaustenfan919:

    Not really a fan of either. I do know one little boy Beckett, and every time I hear his name, I think of the female lead on the TV show "Castle." Her last name is Beckett, and that's what they call her most of the time. So it gives me last name and feminine vibes.

    I would choose Kole from all the names you mentioned, for the sound and family connection.


    I don't know if this will help or not, but Britton is the last name of "Detective Britton" in Awake and he is a male.   

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  • scorchscorch member
    Beckett, I guess ?  Not really a fan of either.
  • Both are NMS but I would choose Beckett Kole over Britton. 
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  • I much prefer Britton. I think it must be southern because I seem to hear it mostly in the south. To me it doesn't sound feminine at all. I know two and they are both very manly!
    party-fails-crunk-critters-catnips-a-hell-of-a-drug Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker (formerly TTGP poster abfromva)
  • imageTysMomPlusOne:
    Neither are my style but of the two I would pick Beckett although it is gaining popularity. Britton just seems feminine to me. 
    Glad I wasn't the only one who thought that. 
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  • krb03krb03 member
    I really like them both. I think I lean towards Beckett more, but I agree it is more popular than Britton.
  • I like Beckett. Britton doesn't seem like a real name.
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