Hi everyone, The Adoption Prayer Group is a support group utilizing the power of prayer. If you want to join I will assign you a prayer buddy and all you have to do is simply include that person in your prayers. Very simple-yet powerful!!! The complete listing of partners can be found under Prayer Partners. I usually post on Wednesdays. Feel free to search under Adoption Prayer Group and check in at whatever time of day. If you have any concerns, special prayer requests, or need to reach me outside of the bump please email me at suzannesteward69@yahoo.com.
If you want to join the group and be linked up with a prayer partner please provide the following info: your name, and if you choose your email address. If you?re not comfortable with posting your email address, please feel free to send me a private message with your email address.
Prayer Partners: Joe?s Sweet Pea and Silliest Bunny, Katybug_h and Jen is Silly, Sugardumpling and Ginger71, babywisher and firecracker8, julandjo and cogbot, GnomeSweetGnome and srmmm09, kellz (kelliez@charter.net) and Amber, Gracie Sue Nicole and Brenda, Porsha and pinkzebra, Honeydew and Potatohead, MandertheDB and Amy720, Layafette Girl and msamerica, Amyaggie 97 and lizlemmon19. This Week?s Events: 5/23 ? Joe?s Sweet Pea?s wedding anniversary; 5/24 ? Katybug_h?s hearing; 5/27 ? GnomeSweetGnome?s 6th wedding anniversary
Praise: Joe?s Sweet Pea: Their ICWA ordeal is OVER!!!!! Praise God. They received a letter on 5/23 that "the burden of proof of tribal ancestry lies with the applicant's parents to provide appropriate documentation." Thank you to every one for your prayers, kind words and support through all of this. Additionally, their BM 30 day revocation period ended on 5/23.
c&dwaiting4our miracle: God has given her and her DH a mom that chose them last Friday. The baby will be born in July.
Amyaggie 97: Her home study went well!
Special Prayer Requests: Please let me know if you have any prayer requests. Butterflygrooves: Their foster daughter has had a rough week. She has been diagnosed with failure to thrive, malnourishment, and at a recent evaluation the terms intellectually challenged/mentally retarded and autism were brought up as possible outcomes to her global delays. She has been put on a high fat diet for one month to correct the FTT and will undergo further evaluation to get a diagnosis for her delays. Butterflygroves plans to adopt her along with her sister and she and her DH are awaiting the TRP hearing in August.
Blds4given: Unfortunately, she and her DH will not be able to move forward with their home study because her sister and her sister?s kids are living in the extra bedroom. Her sister?s kids are not cleaning up after themselves and the youngest kid is very defiant. This is causing extreme stress for Blds4given and her DH. Please pray that they will be able to resolve this situation with her sister peacefully.
Zanymermaid: Her DH?s cousin has passed away from cancer. Please pray for his cousin?s family and friends.
Katybug_h: She had a 2nd pre-trial hearing for her foster son last week, and the committee is recommending his plan be switched from reunification to adoption. They have the actual hearing on May 24th to see if the judge upholds the committee's decision. Also, their file was pulled for a sibling group of two girls. They are up against two other families, and should find out by next week if they were chosen. Please pray for them as they have a lot going on over the next week or so.
Silliest Bunny: She had a routine CT/PET scan on 5/10. She is a cancer survivor so she is concerned about the results of this scan. Please pray for good results and her peace of mind.
Welcome new members! Please welcome Butterflygrooves!
Reflection for the day: Psalm 34:18: The Lord is near to those who are discouraged; he saves those who have lost all hope.
Question of the day: If you could be any animal, which animal would you be? I would be an otter ? they always look like they are having so much fun!
Group updates: -If you have any upcoming events (appointments, birthdays, anniversaries, etc) be sure to let me know so I can post them in the events section!!
Re: Adoption Prayer Group
Unbeknowst to us, our agency contact continued to pursue a workaround for us after we told her the unfortunate news. She found an agency that wouldn't require the empty room until the child comes home. Also, finally received a return call regarding how to get started toward becoming Foster Parents. Praying about how to move forward. No updates on the sister situation. Big blowout occurred - but nothing has changed.
QOTD: I think I'd like to be a dog or a cat... but only if I had a good owner, of course.
July - Nov 2011: Testing with OB... OB said everything looks good
March - Sept 2012: Moved to RE.. 4 treatment cycles - responses of one or no follicles
09.03.12: Diagnosed Poor Ovarian Response.. DE IVF only option
Feb - Nov 2012: Pursued Adoption. That door slammed shut.
12.23.12: Surprise BFP (first ever)... 12.25 - 12.31: Natural M/C
Sounds like you have a lot going on Blsd4given. Prayers your way!!
I love that verse of the day. I really needed to hear that this afternoon.
QOTD: I think I would be a whale! I'd love to swim around all day :-)
Two Mommies Healing Hearts