After years of struggling with infertility issues (PCOS since I was 16) and 15 medicated cycles we finally got blessed with our son. We got lucky with our 7th IUI using stims...Now we are back on the roller coaster to try for another miracle..IVF cycle in May resulted in a chemical pregnancy. 2 snowbabies FET 7/16-transferred 2 blastocyst...Faint bfp 4dp5dt!
Re: Found this post on loss in ivf
I find the nobility in suffering thing a load of crap especially when a lot of that suffering is a direct result of someone else making a buck and the sole alleviation of said suffering is finally having that child. Well, some of us may never get that child and there the inspirational suffering theory seriously goes out the window. This is my opinion only but this kind of romantic self-righteous sentiment is the thing that (some) people who finally have kids say, or the thing you say about a dead person after they had a bad go of it, or what people say about combat and war to make themselves feel better about ugly realities. I don't want any wounds. I would be a good mother without them and really, going through all this does not make anyone a better person, it just makes the real person they are come out.
Yay if it speaks to someone and makes them feel good about their situation but personally it doesn't do it for me. It sucks and thats it. There is no noble vision or reason or redemptive anything and I would argue that no one is trying hard to be inspirational. If we learn more about ourselves, then that's the best we can hope for. I'm sorry that my situation basically makes the author choke. And I'm sorry about that black placenta of hope thing, which I think is a deliberate choice of words that is supposed to resonate deeply with me but does not.
If these are not your own words you should credit the author.
Baby boy Henry born 2015.
Expecting our capstone baby (boy) early March 2018.
I could relate to parts of this and other parts I found to be a little over the top. However, this is what I kept going back to... WTF?
To be hounest, I probably am a high risk alcoholic, but I can?t stand hangovers, not even teeny weenie ones, they irritate me to such an extent that I probably will never end up in rehab. How unfortunate.
I agree with Edwina 100%. Some of us will go through all this over and over and get nothing. Where are our spoils?
TTC #1 since 8/1/10; Me:41 and BRCA1+, DH:46
DOR (FSH 24.3)/ terrible egg quality ; homozygous MTHFR c677t
5 IUI's: 2/11 to 6/11 and 1/12= BFN
OE IVF#1-4 8/11-6/12= all BFN
DE IVF#1 11/12 bad embryos= BFN
DE IVF #2 2/13 BFP/Beta hell: m/c 5w6d
CFNBC 7 months, not doing well; decided on guarantee program at RBA w/frozen DE
DE IVF #3 1/14 ET 4BB; BFP;M/C 5w1d, incomplete m/c; MVA extraction in ER 7w1d
DE FET#1 ET 3/1714; BFP, beta 1 3/27= 197, beta 2 3/31= 1586, beta 3 4/7= 13879!!
First u/s= Twins with HBs at 6w2d! We are Team Pink x 2!!
K & K born 11/21/14 at 38wks 4 days
Edwina, I always appreciate your realism and don't think you have anything to be sorry for, although I know you could care less what the author would think of you.
I often feel like cheerleader for those who never get a take home baby, because people love to forget them or tell them they aren't hopeful enough or as I was recently told by a fellow IFer I wasn't "putting it out there for the universe", or whatever other kind of BS.
The very real and unfortunate end that many of us are in is that after many failed IVFs, donor cycles, or whatever else some of us will unfortunately be left behind even after all of the procedures. This is what is so destructive with IF. It leaves you living, but with a very different outlook.
This is not pessimistic, it's simply what it is.
No one wants to deal with the sadness or difficulty that doing all of this in vain presents, which is partly why the CFNBC board always has oodles of gawkers and few participants.
I "heart" you Mitzi!
TTC #1 since 8/1/10; Me:41 and BRCA1+, DH:46
DOR (FSH 24.3)/ terrible egg quality ; homozygous MTHFR c677t
5 IUI's: 2/11 to 6/11 and 1/12= BFN
OE IVF#1-4 8/11-6/12= all BFN
DE IVF#1 11/12 bad embryos= BFN
DE IVF #2 2/13 BFP/Beta hell: m/c 5w6d
CFNBC 7 months, not doing well; decided on guarantee program at RBA w/frozen DE
DE IVF #3 1/14 ET 4BB; BFP;M/C 5w1d, incomplete m/c; MVA extraction in ER 7w1d
DE FET#1 ET 3/1714; BFP, beta 1 3/27= 197, beta 2 3/31= 1586, beta 3 4/7= 13879!!
First u/s= Twins with HBs at 6w2d! We are Team Pink x 2!!
K & K born 11/21/14 at 38wks 4 days
Realism is a symptom -- a necessity -- of what I'll call late-stage IF. I don't begrudge other women their optimism because I had it once, too. What I do take umbrage with is the notion that there is something to be attained by each of us at the end of the IF road. To me, that's not optimism, it's delusion. Guess I'm just cranky today.
Baby boy Henry born 2015.
Expecting our capstone baby (boy) early March 2018.
me 33/DH 36
ttc since 10/2008; d/x: mild MFI, stageII endo
~~PAIF/SAIF Welcome~~
11 IUI’s = 1 m/c (7w4d)
IVF#1 January 2012 BFN, FET #1 April 2012 BFN
Surprise BFP October 2012 m/c (7w), Surprise BFP April 2013 m/c (6w4d)
IVF #2: July 2013, ET 1 embryo 7/18, beta 1 @ 14dp3dt - 757, beta 2 @ 16dp3dt - 1762
U/S 1 @ 6w4d = 1 little frogger with HB of 118, U/S 2 @ 7w3d measuring right on track with HB of 160
Stick Frogger Stick! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a Girl, EDD April 7, 2014
After reading the poem; for sure there were lots of statements that I could relate to. I didn't anaylze too much I guess. I just interpreted it as more of a "vent" of feelings of that person in that time in their life. So in that case, if you feel a kinship or a feeling of being understood by someone else in the universe that is great.
5 cycles of Clomid with satisfactory response=BFN's
Fibroid removal Nov2010
IUI Clomid #1 Feb 2011...BFN..damn it!
IUI Inject's #2 Apr 2011...CANCELLED...low estradiol
IUI Inject's #3 June 2011...BFN
IUI Inject's #4 Sept2011...BFFN
Lap Dec 2011...severe endo..cyst removed..some remains...
IVF#1 Apr 2012 ....cancelled due to over suppression
IVF#2 July 2012....6 follies...only 1 retrieved....BFFN
surgery suggested to move ovary to an better placement but....we moved two time zones away and are financially and emotionally empty
Here is the blog I saw it on.....I'm not the author, just found it to be a little different to say the least......
I feel the same way. I think oftentimes in hindsight people who've had their happy ending try to find meaning and significance in their struggle in order to rationalize or justify the pain and unfairness they went through. I think it's actually a pretty normal thing to do. Personally, I don't see how it is possible to find positive meaning in my suffering or in the deaths of my babies even if I do end up with something truly awesome in the future. I believe I would have been a loving, compassionate, and conscientious mother if I conceived on my first cycle TTC. I do not believe my having suffered makes me better.
And of course the big problem with this "logic" is that it assumes everyone will have a happy ending or resolution, that the suffering will ultimately be for something or "worth" it. Unfortunately, we all know that's not true. A lot of us will eventually get that coveted happy ending some way or another, but some of us won't, and it will be just plain unfair and horrible.
IVF #1 = BFN
FET #1 = BFN
FET #2 = BFN
IVF #2 = BFP, b/g twins lost at 20w due to partial abruption/PPROM
IVF #3 = c/p 5w2d
Long-shot Clomid/Prednisone cycle before next IVF = BFP, our beautiful, healthy girl born 6/26/13!
TTC again March 2014
FET #3 - May/June 2014 - all embryos arrested before xfer - back to the drawing board...
IVF #4 - July/August 2014