Baby Names

Do you think it is important for sibling names to sound good together?

I am obsessed w/ baby names. H and are talking about a 3rd so of course I cant quit thinking about what we will name him/her.  I have an Avery and an Ethan.  


I really like Ian but I think that is too close to Ethan.  I also like Grace but Avery & Ethan sound so matchy that Grace sounds funny w/ them.  I also like Luke and Logan for a boy.  We liked Anna a lot when DD was in the womb and I also love Elizabeth.  I really like Brooklyn too. 

Do you think it is important for sibling names to sound good together?  

And what names sound good w/ Avery & Ethan.  



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Re: Do you think it is important for sibling names to sound good together?

  • I think to a certain point they need to sound good together... i dont think either of the names you are concerned about sound bad.

    I know a sibset of Mercedies, Destiny, Harmony and Karl. Doesnt Karl sound a little off in this sibset? 

    I dont think you have much to worry about with your names

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  • I don't think sibling names necessarily have to sound good together, but I do think they shouldn't be too close to each other. For example, I read about a family who had a boy and a girl named Christian and Christina- WAY too close for siblings imo. I also think it is super cheesy when parents use crazy theme names with their kids- Reagan, Kennedy, and Lincoln; Daisy, Violet, and Rose, etc.  

    Ethan & Ian are a bit too close for me, but I think any of Grace, Luke, Logan, Anna, or Elizabeth sounds fine with your other kids' names.  

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  • imagestrawberrytree:

    I don't think sibling names necessarily have to sound good together, but I do think they shouldn't be too close to each other. For example, I read about a family who had a boy and a girl named Christian and Christina- WAY too close for siblings imo. I also think it is super cheesy when parents use crazy theme names with their kids- Reagan, Kennedy, and Lincoln; Daisy, Violet, and Rose, etc.  

    Ethan & Ian are a bit too close for me, but I think any of Grace, Luke, Logan, Anna, or Elizabeth sounds fine with your other kids' names.  

    this, and somewhat the 1 post too,  no really unique name with really common name, just doesn't seem fair.

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  • I think Avery, Ethan, and Logan sound great together. I also like Anna and Elizabeth with them. A few more options that may work:

    Avery, Ethan, and Alice

     Avery, Ethan, and Charlotte

     Avery, Ethan, and Claire

     Avery, Ethan, and Evelyn

     Avery, Ethan, and Nora

     Avery, Ethan, and Ruby

     Avery, Ethan, and Charles (Charlie)

     Avery, Ethan, and Connor

     Avery, Ethan, and Grant

     Avery, Ethan, and Tobin


    ...sorry, I have way too much fun with sibsets Smile

  • imagecountrywed:

    I don't think sibling names necessarily have to sound good together, but I do think they shouldn't be too close to each other. For example, I read about a family who had a boy and a girl named Christian and Christina- WAY too close for siblings imo. I also think it is super cheesy when parents use crazy theme names with their kids- Reagan, Kennedy, and Lincoln; Daisy, Violet, and Rose, etc.  

    Ethan & Ian are a bit too close for me, but I think any of Grace, Luke, Logan, Anna, or Elizabeth sounds fine with your other kids' names.  

    this, and somewhat the 1 post too,  no really unique name with really common name, just doesn't seem fair.


    OMG.  Your son looks just like mine!  And mine has crazy hair too!!  So funny!  I've never seen a baby who has as much hair as Ethan.


    Yeah.  My H and I are into pretty common names in case you can't tell.  Lol.  We are boring.  



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  • I think it is important for sibling names have a common style because good sounding sibsets make me happy.

    I agree that Ian with Ethan is too close. My main problem would be calling them together you could easily get tongue tied. I think both Luke and Logan would sound great with Avery and Ethan. I prefer Luke.

    I actually like Grace with Avery and Ethan. I also think Elizabeth would be nice. I don't really like Anna and Avery together probably just because they share similar sounds.

    Please do not do Brooklyn Tongue Tied I would feel sorry for her because her trendy name would really set her apart from her siblings. Have you considered Brooke? I really like Avery, Ethan, and Brooke.

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  • imagejburdet1:

    I think it is important for sibling names have a common style because good sounding sibsets make me happy.

    I agree that Ian with Ethan is too close. My main problem would be calling them together you could easily get tongue tied. I think both Luke and Logan would sound great with Avery and Ethan. I prefer Luke.

    I actually like Grace with Avery and Ethan. I also think Elizabeth would be nice. I don't really like Anna and Avery together probably just because they share similar sounds.

    Please do not do Brooklyn Tongue Tied I would feel sorry for her because her trendy name would really set her apart from her siblings. Have you considered Brooke? I really like Avery, Ethan, and Brooke.


    H just said no to Brooklyn so yeah, that is a no go.  But he was on board w/ Grace Elizabeth had Ethan been a girl.   



    BFP #1 - 3/19/09 - M/C  - 4/5/09 6 weeks 2 days
    BFP #2 - 7/1/09 - DD born 3/8/2010
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    BFP #4 - 1/2/11 - DS born 9/8/11
    BFP#5 - 7/13/13 - stick baby stick!  Due 4/24/14

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