Babies on the Brain

Remember when I talked about (I won something!)

I have a loan account and checking accounts linked and when you make a payment/deposit money you earn credits which you can use to try to win prizes (like cash, car, vacations, etc.). 

Today I got an email saying I won a new ipad, and asked for my mailing address and a quote on the website.  I gave it to them after checking the website and seeing I had a prize to claim. 

I just checked the website and the quote I sent them via email shows up with my name next to it.

And I just got an email saying that they are sending it out today.  So dh says not to get excited until I get it, but I seriously think I won.  I don't think it's a scam because they didn't ask for any money etc.. and I've seen this website mentioned in magazines like real simple, all you etc...

I'm pretty sure I won a new ipad. Awesome! 

R&K married 4.15.11. TTC #1 since 7.11.12

BFP #1 9.9.12 EDD 5.21.13 c/p 9.12.12 at 4 weeks 1 day

BFP #2 10.15.12 EDD 6.28.13 c/p 10.19.12 at  4 weeks.

BFP #3 1.19.13 EDD 10.1.13 Eleanor born 10.7.13 at 40 weeks 6 days

13dpo hcg@32, progesterone@13.7, 15dpo hcg@110, 16dpo progesterone@25.9

My blog:Urban Times in Michigan ~ My Bfp Chart

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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Re: Remember when I talked about (I won something!)

  • I'm really hoping it's for real.  I'm going on vacation next week so hopefully it will be here before Tuesday.

    R&K married 4.15.11. TTC #1 since 7.11.12

    BFP #1 9.9.12 EDD 5.21.13 c/p 9.12.12 at 4 weeks 1 day

    BFP #2 10.15.12 EDD 6.28.13 c/p 10.19.12 at  4 weeks.

    BFP #3 1.19.13 EDD 10.1.13 Eleanor born 10.7.13 at 40 weeks 6 days

    13dpo hcg@32, progesterone@13.7, 15dpo hcg@110, 16dpo progesterone@25.9

    My blog:Urban Times in Michigan ~ My Bfp Chart

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • yay!

    TTC since 2010

    lots of IUIs and 1 IVF all BFNs

    FET currently on hold

    photo guiness-1.jpg

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