Pregnant after 35

otc prenatals

Thinking of switching.  Would appreciate any input on good otc brands.

Re: otc prenatals

  • i've been on otc Better Made Prenatals, no smell and they are small enough and easy to take - OB is satisfied with them too...



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  • My dr said any type of OTC prenatals are fine. I take GNC.
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  • I've been taking the Spring Valley ones at Wal-Mart. They are smaller than most prenatals, and coated so they go down easily (I can dry swallow if I have to, and DH will take them 1-2x a week too). They have all the required stuff in them too.
  • JKohioJKohio member
    Regular Target OTC prenatals for me, plus a DHA supplement from WalMart (Spring Valley) because they're the most inexpensive I've found. OB is fine with them. I did the same, minus DHA, when I had my son 4 yrs ago.
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  • I have been on the GNC prenatal program from the start.  My OB likes it.  It has the highest Folic Acid I have seen in an OTC plus comes with a DHA supplement and an Extra Calcium supplement.  I have never had any stomach issues or problems with this pre-natal:

    GNC also has a new prenatal with DHA in it, but no extra calcium supplement.  I haven't tried this, but the prenatal formula is the same as what they have in the program, and it has 500 mg DHA instead of the 200 mg you get in the pre-natal program:



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  • GHBEAGHBEA member
    I buy the Target brand because they are cheaper  then our prescription co pay.  They are fine and OB was okay with them.
                                                 Mom to 4 wonderful daughters
                                 Breanna, Ellie and 
                                 our 2 rainbow babies.

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    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I'm taking Nature Made Prenatal Vitamin with DHA. 

    I took that too when I was pregnant with my 1st. 


  • I don't remember the brand, but I'm taking a whole food-based prenatal - supposed to be absorbed more easily by your body and less likely to make you nauseated.  But maybe that's a bunch of whoey?  I can report back with the brand later!
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  • I had a friend recommend Trader Joe's- and I know she researched them as much as I would have (we are both science PhDs!)  I also take vitafusions gummy calcium and vitafusions omega-3. 

     I started taking them 5-6 months ago while TTC,  and so far so good with actually being pregnant, too!

    TTC since Feb 2012. Me: 39, DH: 37
    BFP #1 5/27/12- m/c 7/9/12 @ 10w2d (cytotec induced @11w).
    Fibroids, Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism
    BFP #2 11/18/12  EDD 7/27/13
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I was taking Target brand prenatal gummies.  They are tasty, but do not contain iron.  I have never been anemic, so I didn't worry.  I ran out recently and had some Prenatal One vitamins in the cabinet.   They are big but do not make me nauseated, unlike almost every other non-gummy vitamin I tried.
    DS born 8/8/09 and DD born 6/12/12.
  • I take the nature made ones with DHA (large bottles from Costco).  I have also taken the ones from Walmart (someone else mentioned) and ones ordered through the mail (based on your trimester - different vitamin amounts).  I like DHA so I love that the Costco one is one pill.  
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