DH and I are ready for #2 - but since I was cut vertically and large to get DD out I have a very high rupture risk - at DD's birth the Perinatologist warned us that a c-section like the one I needed would mean never being able to have chidren again because of the rupture risk etc. - my own OB/GYN - had a different opinion - he told me that I could wait 2 years, that I would be considered high risk, he would monitor me closely and I would deliver early by c-section again and that the risk of rupture was higher but not enough to keep me from trying again - it hasnt been the two years but we didnt ask any questions or anything at the time - we were more concerned with saving THAT baby.... so now we want answers to a million questions - I'm nervous. We definitely want to try again but I need to know the answer to the one question he wont be able to answer .... when you say early... how early???? I dont want to make another baby go through what DD went through... I know that a NICU stay is a NICU stay and would never belittle any of our struggles but 117 days in the NICU with DD was a lot to deal with. If I knew that the next would make it to 34 weeks or at least close I feel like thats something I can live with - but what if I cant carry that long? what if I cant make it out of my second tri??? Im going in today to be examined and talk about my next pregnancy - I'm nervous... If you all KNEW that the next pregnancy would be a preemie would you still do it?
Re: Need vibes - a little nervous...
I just had this conversation with my OB last month. He gave me the same warning you got - high rupture rate due to the type of c-section incision. The OB said because of my rupture rate he would monitor me a lot and he wouldn't let me go past 37 weeks. He said if I was to start laboring then my risk of rupture goes to high (over 50% risk) which is why he ussually schedules the c-section around 37 weeks. He did warn that it could go earlier depending on a few different things. I asked how long we should wait to TTC and he recommended 18(ish) months at the earliest.
We were really worried about this so I scheduled an appointment to just talk about this. If you have the same concerns it might help ease your fears to do the same.
Lily born at 27 wks: 2 lbs 4 oz.
Max born at 27 wks: 2 lbs 2 oz.
Glenn born at 31 wks: 3 lbs 9 oz.
My twin's birth story
we are in a similar situation- I have an appointment today to discuss all this with my OB/GYN - and to get the go ahead (if its time) to TTC again.... I'll find out today how long "he will let me go" - if I can make it to 37 weeks I'll be ok - but Im not sure that he can promise anything.... We never knew why my water broke with DD - so there are so many variables we cannot be sure of
I'm late to reply but my situation is very similar to yours (though DD wasn't as early as M was). Like you, I've been told that we absolutely must wait 2 years and then we will take lots of precautions. Even so, it will likely mean a preemie. But a late-term preemie seems less scary even though there are no garuntees. My OB's exact words were "as soon as we are confident the baby's lungs are developed, we will schedule the section" so it means NICU time but hopefully just feeder-grower time.
As a result, I'm terrified of another pregnancy. I want another baby and I want DD to have a sibling. But I hate the idea of the emotional rollercoaster we will be on plus the idea of balancing the NICU with a toddler. So we have decided that next year we will set up a meeting with my OB and see where it takes us.
What did you find out?
Our precious girl, born at 27 weeks.
Although our situation is different (my risk would be even more severe pre-eclampsia, rather than rupture), I can relate to wanting a second baby and having a doctor tell you you shouldn't (and knowing that if you do, it's likely to be another preemie). Like you, if I knew I could make it to at least 34 weeks this time (or frankly, even 32), I'd have very few qualms. I also have my age to contend with (I'm now over 40 which brings its own risks).
In spite of all that and a stern warning from my OB to consider permanent birth control, DH and I have already decided we want to try for #2. We really, REALLY want Jack to have a sibling, for a lot of reasons. I will set up a pre-conception meeting with our MFM at some point later this year and go from there.
Glad you got some hopeful news! To answer your original question, I'd say that if I knew I would have another extremely premature baby with all the weeks of bed rest, worry, and stress leading up to it, I would choose not to do it again. However, like you I think I could " accept"a moderate to late term preemie. My situation is very different though because it was a twin related issue and my chances of conceiving twins again are slim to none. I don't think I would be at any higher risk the next time around. Good luck with TTC!
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
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