Baby Names

Please weigh in, team green choices.

We are 31 weeks pregnant and team green...  We've been on one track with names until now.  I feel like now we are getting cold feet about our choices and going back to the drawing board.  In part due to family responses (I know, I know) and also worried about the popularity of boy's name. I want different, but still something respectable and timeless.

Boy - 

Miles Christopher (is Miles getting too popular, I feel like I'm seeing it everywhere?)

Micah Wade

 Girl -

Carris Elise (I've loved this name for years, but is the spelling off?  I don't care for the Y spelling)

Marin Elise


Looking forward to some honest opinions.  TIA! 



Re: Please weigh in, team green choices.

  • Boy: I like both

    Girl: Carris is NMS and sounds a little weird and masculine to me (Ferris-esque), but Marin is beautiful. 

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  • I like Micah and Miles. Miles is popular, but it doesn't bother me much for boys for some reason.

    I don't care for the spelling of Carris, or the name in general.

    I am a fan of Marin. I have seen it here quite a few times in the past few days but it wasn't on my radar until then (wouldn't work with our last names).

    I also like Elise for a first if you want to "upgrade" it from a middle. 

    DD 9/15/12
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  • I don't think Miles is too popular. I like both Miles and Micah. 

    We have the same taste in girl names. I love Carys but only spelled that way. I also really like Maren (I prefer it spelled with an 'e'). 

    Danica 10.22.10 | Milo 12.23.12

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  • miles Christopher 

    and Carys (spelled only like this)  Elise


    What about Carys Marin 

  • A friend of mine spelled her daughters name Caris. 
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  • Instead of Carris, I would go either the Greek way (Charis or Karis) or the Welsh way (Carys). I absolutely love the name, and my sister spells it Karis-- the more English version of the Greek, since most people would see Charis and pronounce it chair-is.

    Karis is also the most popular spelling of the name at #902 for the SSA 2011 ranking. Carys is next (#1579) and then Charis (#1926).

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  • raefreraefre member

    I prefer Miles Christopher but Miles does seem to be getting more popular. It currently is in the top 200 (@ 115) but I think your state ranking is more important than national. Likewise, just because a boys name was popular would not keep me from using it. 

    Micah Wade is a nice masculine name, just NMS.

    I love Elise; in fact, it is a top contender for our girl names.   Carris, spelled Carys, is preferable. Marin is NMS, but sounds better with Elise as a MN.    As for too much s's, I don't think it matters as much, because how often are you going to use both when introducing or calling your daughter. I think it would be more of an issue if your last name was full of soft sounds.  I'd probably go with Carys Elise.

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  • Miles Christopher is really cute, and I also really like the nn Milo. It does seem to be getting pretty popular. But if you really love it, then go for it!

    Micah Wade is a nice name too. Kinda less common without being too weird. Noah is so popular right now. And this seems like a nice alternative with a similar sound.

    Carris Elise. This name, regardless of spelling, is okay to me. I think I prefer the Carys spelling, but I can understand why you don't like it. It is a bit unusual looking. I think it's a cool name on other people's kids, just NMS, if that makes sense.

    Marin Elise. Obviously this is my favorite. My DD is Marin. :) So far it has suited her well. Good on a little girl, but also ages well, IMO. The only others I've known/met are 30+ years old.

  • I agree that Miles is getting popular. I hear it a lot in my circles. I love Micah! Carris/Carys just NMS. To elaborate, I don't think anything is wrong with the name just not for me. Reminds me of Paris. Marin is pretty. I really like Elise. Have you considered Elise as a fn?

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  • Miles Christopher & Marin Elise
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  • Thanks everyone for the thoughts.  I don't dislike the spelling Karis, similar vein.  That is stil my favorite name, not set on the MN either.  I love Marin/Maren as well, we might have to wait and see him/her.  If anyone has traditional feminine middle names that fit, feel free to throw them out!  We have an odd 2 syllable last name that's very German.  This is a big task, and I guess you just have to decide at some point and quit waffling!
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