Labor started at 39w2d. Max was born via emergency c/s at 39w4d. I was induced with Pitocin after 24 hours of non-progressing labor with a broken bag of waters.
The only Easter Bunny I can get behind. Maxwell Joseph 4/09 Lucy Violet 10/12
I have no idea when labor started, although apparently I was in prodromal labor when I went in to get induced at 41 weeks, 3 days. I had been 4 cm dilated a month before that, when I went into false labor for the first time.
Re: Question for the mamas
#1, labor started (according to the midwife) at 40w1d, born at 40w4d.
#2, labor started at 8am 38w6d and born at 5:11 same day.
Labor started at 39w2d. Max was born via emergency c/s at 39w4d. I was induced with Pitocin after 24 hours of non-progressing labor with a broken bag of waters.
The only Easter Bunny I can get behind.
Maxwell Joseph 4/09 Lucy Violet 10/12