
Thank you gift for NICU staff- Need Ideas

DH & I never did anything (bagels, cookies,etc) for the nursing staff when LO was in the NICU. I thought about it, but was working FT & at the hospital all other times. Well, we are going back in about 7 weeks for a 6month check up & I would like to do something then. But what? I usually like heathly options, but open to all ideas. There are about 100 nurses, I dont need do something for every one of them, but an edible arrangement isn't going to cut it. My budget is $200-$300. Please give me some ideas. TIA
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Re: Thank you gift for NICU staff- Need Ideas

  • 100 nurses! wow! We only had 25 and we got them $5 gift cards to a coffee shop.  We also brought donuts and other treats on sundays while we were there.

     what if you did a few $100 gift cards for places that cater (like someone who does sandwich trays)? then they could order lunch or dinner for a whole shift at a time.

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  • Nurses sometimes dont have time to eat, so I made up big baskets and filled them with mini chocolates, granola bars, gum, jolly ranchers, candy, bags of popcorn etc.  Things they could grab and eat quickly.  I made a few up and it was probably $200.  There were 160 nurses that worked in the NICU.  We gave our primary nurses their own individual gifts. 

    I have heard that the nurses love pictures of their primary patients and we plan on sending some. 

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  • We did cupcakes (24) and a red velvet roll. And the week before we did cookies for the staff. How about picking up a fruit platter from the grocery store or maybe nugget and fruit platter from Chick-fila. I guess it all depends on when your dropping the food off. I definitely think food is the way to go.



  • For our babies 1st birthday we brought in a few dozen homemade muffins.  For their NICU discharge anniversary we brought in a big bag of fruit (banana's, apples and oranges) and a few bags of bagels with tubes of cream cheese and hummus. They seemed like the easiest things for busy NICU staff.  I asked a few nurse friends of mine and they all suggested either fruit trays/ edible arrangements or platters of grab-n-go type food (sandwhiches, muffins, bagels). 
    Mom to three beautiful preemies:

    Lily born at 27 wks: 2 lbs 4 oz.
    Max born at 27 wks: 2 lbs 2 oz.
    Glenn born at 31 wks: 3 lbs 9 oz.

    My twin's birth story
  • vsalt31vsalt31 member
    Thanks, everyone!  I think I'm going to do a few sandwich trays from Panera (right across the street).
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