Anyone else's twins "wait" n the other? My girls are a yer and do almost everything at the same time. Brooke was able to roll, crawl, stand before Skye. However, it's like she won't do it until Skye is ready to. Now for example, I know Brooke can walk. She has taken a few steps and cruises along the couch, chair whatever she can find like its no problem. However she won't start actually walking until skyler is ready to. She has done this with everything. Is this a normal "twin" thing? Just curious. Thanks!
Re: Mono di development/bond
Ian has consistently figured things out ahead of Jack, but he's never held back from performing new skills because Jack can't. Both of our boys LOVE praise, so he can't help but do new things so we'll clap for him. Jack's usually not far behind Ian, though, and Ian usually motivates Jack to figure things out. Without Ian, I think Jack would be content to lay on his back all day and not bother with rolling/crawling/pulling himself up/cruising, etc.
But even with Ian doing things that Jack can't, he still won't play or do things without Jack. They're never far apart and if they get distracted by things on opposite ends of the room, they don't stay apart for very long. They much prefer to be close to their brother.