Its been 6 months since I had my littleone... someone else out there still truing to lose some pounds?
I gained about 44 pounds (20kg) during pregnan cy in the first 6weeks i lost half the weight, I eat right fruits vegetables and protein, no fat no bread no corn no rice...hadnt lost any other pound ever since I breastfed four months and now I came back exersicing last weekIm frustrated and a little sad what can I do
Re: still wondering how to loose baby weight
First of all, don't avoid fat. Your body needs fat to process nutrients, and if your diet is very low in fat, it actually causes your body to store body-fat even more. Eating dietary fat does not make you gain body fat. Go for traditional fats like butter, olive oil, coconut oil, and naturally occurring fat in dairy and meat. Try paleo/primal eating.
What kind of exercising are you doing? Only do cardio about once every 7-10 days. Most of your exercising should be things like either walking/hiking/swimming or lifting weights.
A couple books I recommend:
The Primal Blueprint - https://www.amazon.com/The-Primal-Blueprint-Reprogram-effortless/dp/0982207786/
Everyday Paleo - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/098256581X/
This, Ive lost double my pregnancy weight gain but each a reasonable amount of every food group and doing wieghts often. GL!