Hey, I wanted to apologize for being absent from supporting you all. I have hit a bump in the road with our EDD a month away and mixed fillings about our up coming vacation. Along with the fact my clothes just dont fit the way they should. With the vacation I am afraid I will not be able to enjoy it bc we werent suppose to go on it bc I was due two weeks after it. I also know that the day after we get back we can start trying again.
With all this I feel guilty I haven't been there lately for all of you. I hope you all know that I have been thinking about you all and hoping you all are doing well. I will try to be more supportive in the future!! Slowly but surely I promis I will get there!!
Re: Wanted to apologize.....***TTC Mentioned Briefly***
I hope you are able to have a good vacation. I had the same feeling about our recent trip, but I was actually able to have a good time. And honestly, I think I may have a better attitude since we came back, not to say everything is all rosey now, but I'm definitely not as gloomy. Coincidence? Maybe. But I hope the change in scenery is a welcome change for you.
I know I haven't been supportive much either, but we must take care of ourselves first. Sometimes it's hard to do the supporting when your own foundation is crumbling. I think all of us here can relate. (hugs)