Babies: 6 - 9 Months

Getting a baby used to sleeping around "noises." Opinions?

I'm just curious.  Our son sleeps with a white noise machine in his room, and we also use blackout curtains because it's broad daylight out when he goes to bed, and it gets light out before 6am now.

He's almost 9 mos.

We use the white noise machine for his naps and at night still because he was a light sleeper from day one.  He was/is so alert, hardly ever falling asleep in public, or in the car when he was newborn-6mos.  Also, he had terrible tummy issues his 1st 7 weeks and the white noise machine helped him to instantly calm down and go to sleep.

We also use it because we have dogs that bark sometimes, and close neighbors with a loud 2 year old.  It has come in handy blocking out loud fireworks on New Years, and loud thunderstorms too.

I've noticed lately a couple of times that noises that didn't wake him before are waking him now, like the squeaky bathroom door right by his room.  These are noises that can still be heard in his room even though the white noise is going on.

I think if our son had been the easy laid back baby that slumped off in the car from the get go, we may not use one.  But I swear by it now, and don't think we will ever not use it.

Am I creating a light sleeper?  Or was he born a light sleeper like his mommy?


Re: Getting a baby used to sleeping around "noises." Opinions?

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    Every baby is different. But I'm a big fan of not tip-toeing around and blocking out noise from day one. We never used a white noise machine, and we lived in a very loud area of town, lots of sirens and loud music all the time. He sleeps through absolutely everything.

    I don't know if our not being quietis the reason for it, or if he's naturarlly deep sleeper.

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    mnewleemnewlee member

    I think it's more of an innate, individual thing too. I'm a light sleeper and my mom didn't tiptoe around and made it a point to just go about her business while I slept as a baby.


    We use a sound machine and blackout curtains and DD's a pretty good sleeper. Sometimes noises will wake her up but it's rare and I think it's when the noise happens when she's in the light part of the sleep cycle. 

    She must have gotten her deep sleeping from her papa. That man can sleep through anything. 

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    "We use a sound machine and blackout curtains and DD's a pretty good sleeper. Sometimes noises will wake her up but it's rare and I think it's when the noise happens when she's in the light part of the sleep cycle."


    Yes, Noah is a good sleeper too.  I attribute it somewhat to giving him a nice quiet place to sleep.

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    lew0509lew0509 member
    I don't tiptoe around the house, but I also respect his nap times. I'm a light sleeper and I've been trying forever to break it, but I think I'm stuck. He has blackout curtains, but no noise machine. He has gotten used to some noises, but can't sleep through a hurrican like his dad. I think it depends on the baby. Same as PP, my mom tried to make us heavy sleepers, my bro is but I'm not.
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    I think it's different from one baby to another, just as it is in adults.

    People always kind of give me heck because DS is a light sleeper, but it's just the way he is. I'm a light sleeper also. When I get woken up at 4am by the chirping birds outside my window, I sometimes can't get back to sleep, it is what it is.

    I don't tip toe around my house, I get things done when he's sleeping, but I do use white noise during naps. I don't know if my parents and IL's expect us to be running the blender or something when he's sleeping. Huh? I'm not going to start making tons of noise around the house in the hopes of creating some sort of resistance in him, but I don't stop myself from doing things either.

    I have noticed though that he tolerates noise much better when we are out of town and he's sleeping in someone else's house.

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    Every baby is different. But I'm a big fan of not tip-toeing around and blocking out noise from day one. We never used a white noise machine, and we lived in a very loud area of town, lots of sirens and loud music all the time. He sleeps through absolutely everything.

    I don't know if our not being quietis the reason for it, or if he's naturarlly deep sleeper.

    I think that all newborns sleep through this kind of stuff and it's normal. But then slowly some kids will start to be disturbed by noise regardless of your tiptoeing philosophy. That's how mine were. DD2 would take all of her haps downstairs until 3-4 months when suddenly the creaking front door, music, DD1's chattering were all disturbing her. DD1 did the same thing and it was a good 1.5 years before the noises stopped bothering her. Now at 3.5 she's a dead weight when asleep and I can go into her room, put clothes away, move her in bed, etc. and she doesn't wake. 

    My point is, I don't think there is much control you have in this situation.  


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    I use a white noise for my son and it rocks. He sleeps 12 hours at night and takes 2-3 naps around an hour to two hours. It is working for me and not to worried about it. My mother used a fan till we were older and I am fine now, LOL
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    Netty_3Netty_3 member
    Fortunately...or unfortunately my LO has a clutz for a mom.  The more I try to be quiet the more likely it is I'll drop or trip and make more noise.  So the kid has learned to sleep through it.  We did just recently put a fan in his room for white noise and air circulation and it has helped keep him asleep through the night.  I figured a fan was more reasonable than a white noise machine, because it actually serves another purpose.  I mean, I can't sleep without a fan on myself.
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    Yep, all babies are different. Both of my kids have been able to sleep through anything as infants - barking dogs, vacuuming, you name it. They also both sleep with white noise machines, which have not made them light sleepers - the noise is soothing, not just meant to cover up outside noises.
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