Cloth Diapering

When a snap pops off...

What do you do?

We are on month 25 of successful full-time cloth diapering, and this is the first time this has happened!  This is uncharted territory for me.  The top round part of a snap on one of my BG Elementals just popped right off yesterday as I was changing my son.  The bottom part is still attached to the fabric, but I can tell it's not secure.  It's just a matter of time before it falls off too, and I wouldn't trust it to hold the diaper closed.

This diaper is one of my originals, so it's well beyond a warranty window.  What are my options here?

Re: When a snap pops off...

  • A lot of WAHMs will fix it for cheap.  You may even be able to find someone locally to do it for free.  It is a super easy fix usually.
  • Duct tape! Hehe, just kidding. I agree with the PP, find someone who has the supplies in your area to fix it. Make a Craigslist posting to find someone if you don't already know someone.

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  • If you are handy, you can get a snap tool and a package of snaps at places like Hobby Lobby or JoAnn's. I got mine at HL for about $12 with their regular 40% off coupon. If you have a lot of your original diapers and think they might start losing more snaps, this might be the most economical solution. A word of caution...the girl at the fabric counter told me that it took her a few tries to get the right amount of pressure (i.e. press hard enough) to get the snap to hold, so you might try it on some scrap fabric/layers of old t-shirt first.


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