Cloth Diapering

Eco posh

I know I need to wash this diaper about 5 times before using it, but on the tag it says only use detergent on the first wash. 

How do you prep diapers like this? By themselves? And if I only have one?  Can I wash it with all my other diapers and just take it out when I add detergent?

If you can't tell I've never had a diaper like this!  

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Re: Eco posh

  • noryangnoryang member

    What kind of diaper is it? What are the inserts, if any, made of? We need more info to answer your question.

    But generally, natural fibers generally need many more washings before using and should be prepped away from synthetic diapers. Synthetic materials only need to be washed once before use.

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  • Eco Posh is AMAZING.  I washed mine (with detergent) about 15 times before using it.  (I lost count.  My LO was so tiny and the diaper was so bulky on him, I just kept tossing it back in my diaper pail and washing it with every load.) I have now used it twice and my co-sleeping, all-night-nursing little boy doesn't need a cover (!!) over night!  I still use one, but when he wakes up, after 12 hours, it is barely wet.  Amazing.  I just bought 2 more.
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