Isla Kathleen Pinski << I've had this picked out forever but H doesn't really care for it.
Xia Pinski << We've been saying it Zee-Yah The only girl's name he has agreed on so far. Can't come up with a middle name that isn't super common. I don't love it that much, and I kind of think it looks weird when written down. H loves the initials though (XP for video game people).
Re: Xia or Isla?
Thank you. I like the way it sounds, but I'm just not a fan in general. I just can't get him to agree on anything else. I know we have a ton of time, but every name I throw out for a boy or girl he rejects it. He's still mad that I rejected Cecil and Edgar for boys.
He got the idea that our child could have initials XP, so now that's what he's looking for, but hates Xander and Xavier. Everything else is weird. Ugh, men.
XP like Windows? That's a really weird thing to base your child's name on. Maybe it's some video game ref that I don't get, but video games come and go, and your child will be around for a very long time, long after you are dead. I'm trying to imagine if my dad (born 1938) was named after some fleeting late depression-era fad, how lost that would be on everyone today.
If you like Xia, then fine. Personally, I think Isla is much nicer.
I love the name Isla, Xia is really not good- what about Zara? Your DH might have to let the XP thing go. It's really not going to matter at all what his/her initials are, what matters is that you give them a good name that they will not hate you for!
Xia is pronounced shaw.
I know a Xia, it is a common chineese name.
Thank you for this! I knew it was a Chinese name, but never saw the pronunciation for it. I think I'm going to use everyone's comments to tell H that he needs to pick better names![]=feminine&type_letter=1&operator_letter=&value_letter[]=x
I think there some cool ones that are a million times better than Xia, but otherwise, I vote for Isla.
Agreed. Isla is better.
Isla is better (especially since you're just guessing on how to pronounce Xia!). However, if you haven't found a name you're both on board with, mostly it seems like it's time to keep looking.
And I love video games as much as the next person (gonna go run a dungeon in WOW with my husband now before going to work), but I think specifically aiming to give your kid the initials XP is dumb.
I definitely prefer Isla. I think it would be a lot less of a headache than Xia.
FWIW, I put both names in Nymbler to try to give you some ideas, and it came up with Malvina, Alina, Maura, Ava, Fiona, Nora, Davina, Shea, Charlotte, Erin, Cameron, Moira, Dara, Kerensa and Shauna.
Also, a thought along the 'X' mom said she once met an Alexandra who went by Xandi (Zan-dee). She said she wishes that's what she would have called me (I'm an Alexandra who's an Alex).