I'm 9 days past retrieval and had my estrogen and progesterone tests today since I was away on day 7. Progesterone 13.2, estrogen 107. My RE said these are "normal" but I did some googling and keep reading progesterone levels of 15 to 30 are good. My dr had me increase my endometrium but I know by now the embies have either implanted or not and the levels are much lower than during my last (successful) ivf cycle. I realize these are not indicators of pregnancy but was hoping it doesn't mean I'm completely out. I'm sorry for the crazy sounding post. This 2ww is more excruciating than usual.
IVF #1 BFP b/g twins!; loss at 23 weeks due to I.C. and PTL.
IVF #2 BFP 5/26/12; due date 2/6/13; TAC surgery 7/20/12, blessed with another girl & boy!
Re: Progesterone is 13.2. Am I out?
I don't know but I wanted to wish you luck. Do you have a beta soon? ((hugs)) hang in there, the 2ww sucks.
Beta #1 3/4/14- 105. Beta #2 3/7/13- 397 EDD-11/11/14. 1st u/s 3/20- 6w2d lil' bean with 120hb. 7w0d- lil bean's hb was 144. Graduated from RE 3/25/14.