Two Under 2

Newborn Stash (followup question)

I'm trying to decide on what to do for a newborn stash.  I currently use One-Size pocket diapers, but for the newborn stage on LO #2, I'm thinking of prefolds with covers. 

Part One:  I'm considering Thirsties Duo Wrap, but I cannot decide between snaps or velcro.  I like the snaps on my pocket diapers for #1, but I didn't cloth diaper her until she was 8 mos. or so.  She was a chubby baby ~ 10lbs by one month old.  I know every baby is different, but this is all I have to compare to.  Oh yes, I also plan to have (hopefully) at least 4 kids (2 more after these 2), and I guess wear/tear on snaps vs velcro could come into question?

Would you vote I get snaps, velcro, or a few of both to get me through the newborn stage - until he fits in my pockets?

Part Two:  Someone posted a comment on a previous question that they'd really recommend a fleece liner on top of the prefolds.  The thought hadn't even crossed my mind!  Are prefolds really that wet during the newborn stage?  Do I need/want to invest more $$ into some liners?  If they are necessary, is this something I could DIY by buying some fleece?

THANKS!!!  Stick out tongue

Re: Newborn Stash (followup question)

  • I prefer velcro for the newborn stage since you can get the diapers tighter.  They will not wear quite as well but they're also not in them nearly as long.  I do not use fleece on my prefolds but they do get quite soaked.  I would definitely not invest in a lot of money for fleece.  Go to the fabric store and find some fleece in the sale bin and cut it up.  It works wonderfully and costs very little!  Fleece does not need to be hemmed or anything.
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  • For newborns, I prefer velcro covers.  Get a few snaps and a few velcro, if it stresses you out.  If you sew or know someone who does, it's pretty easy to replace the velcro.  I never had to do it with covers, only pockets.

    Prefolds can get very wet (if the baby pees right away and then sneaks another one in before you change them).  DD2 pooped so much that I was going through at least 12 diapers per day.  Some babies are sensitive to wetness, others are not.  If you decide that you want liners, buy some remnant fleece and cut your own.  Very easy. 

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  • Our velcro covers are sized and are now on baby number 2 with no major wear (they look dirty but still function the same). I think with sized diapers the risk of wear is less. I also prefer velcro for infant for fit purposes, but I'm learning that I don't like it for toddlers. My son can take off his velcro diapers but not the snaps yet. 
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  • No advice, just a thanks for the post as I have the exact same questions!

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